Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

38% turnout in Stoke, democracy is dead in England. The country is too full of indolent fat cunts like that Sutton goalkeeper.


I just don’t see that happening. The MPs know he is hopeless but the party as a whole still aren’t. The system Miliband put in place for new leaders has proven to be a disaster.

  1. the weather was horrific
  2. in the last two years there has been a major referendum and a General Election

Interesting to see that Corbyn is hailing the victory in Stoke as a rejection of UKIP. But that isn’t the Party he is supposed to be beating.

If they had someone even half electable they could have a chance the next time. The Tories will fuck things up eventually without a decent opposition to keep them honest.


I meant to prevent them losing the run of themselves.

I know. Twould take the archangel himself standing behind them to keep all of them or all of ours honest.

The fact that there is no opposition in the UK is disastrous for them at this most crucial phase for them in 45 years.


UKIP have no real function anymore . Farage delivered freedom . .

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Who was under the table?



Some man, he’s holding down 3 jobs now

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You get a much better work ethic on the mainland.

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Hon Gideon .


he’s earning a fair wage now

Earning the important word .

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Imagine if we had someone of his calibre involved in Irish Politics

He’d buy and sell our lot before breakfast

I can’t .