Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He’s holding down more then 3 jobs…v sharp fella…Blackrock (the funds crowd) are giving him 650k in real money a year for an advisory role.

Thats fucking winning.

2 days a month for that gig

Not bad if you can get it,

He’s a v sharp fella though.

He never saw Brexit coming though

he was a great friend to Ireland, gave us Billions and never said a word about it when the IMF was riding us bareback, never looked for a bit of thanks, very humble


Gideon will rise again, he will be PM someday

if he had William Hague’s debating skills he would be unstoppable

I dont think it matters to them either way though.

Article 50 and when it happens will be far more significant here with regards to our biggest exporter and the North.

It’ll just be another day in London


No one expected it over their granted…but I think it affects the EU more then them.

They’ve kept their own currency, they’re cute hoors.


I think we have far more exposure,

Has one bank come to Dublin yet?

That wasn’t what you said though. You said London wouldn’t feel it at all

Ya I dont think it will pal…the square mile certainly wont.

We will see

In reality there will be short term peaks and troughs after Brexit but the long term effects won’t be clear in my lifetime. It’ll be a minimum of 50 years before we’ll know whether this was a good or bad decision.

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I’d agree with this. Rubbish to think it’s of no consequence at all to London though

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Some jobs have I think.

But there’s also New York, Luxembourg et cetera so wouldn’t be so confident in that assertion if I were you.

And we need to know what form of Brexit they take first.

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Thats the key point.

If a hard border brexit occurs lads on here spoofing about it effecting them more, need their heads examined.

It’s all up in the air, the only certainty is the EU won’t give a fuck what happens on this island.

Again. Back up the truck. You aren’t talking about it affecting anyone more than another. You are saying it’s not material for London at all.

Anyways a lot of the job leakage won’t necessarily be full companies it will be depts. relocated, investment diverted elsewhere etc. It could be a a thousand cuts rather than a few big blows