Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Is Ireland viable given it has no oil?


Didn’t the SNP use the north sea oilfields as the main source of revenue for an independent Scotland?

Lots of countries have gained their independence without any oil and made a success of themselves. Heaven knows how they managed without it.

Scotland has it, has loads of advantages that other countries who went independent didn’t have and can easily make a success of independence.


Name a few there, roughly the same size and population as Scotland. Try not to go back a hundred years either, globalisation and all that.

I know where this is going .

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You’re comparing eastern block shitholes breaking away from a broken USSR with Scotland leaving the UK?

Or no funny comedians.

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All those countries have made a success of themselves.

Yet you think Scotland couldn’t given the myriad of advantages it has over all of them?

Are you for real?


He is clamping you left right and centre Amber

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I don’t know, that’s why I asked the question on how dependent they are on oil revenues. God only knows why you couldn’t just give a fucking straightforward answer or your opinion on it.

Not really, he has 36 hours to fill.

So Scotland get a second referendum (in case they made a mistake the first time), whereas full steam ahead for Brexit.

It all depends on the attitude of the EU and how it wishes Brexit to go. It could conceivably allow in an independent Scotland, and NI as part of a united Ireland. The precedent is there for NI with east Germany.

If something like that happens, an independent Scotland with net European transfers would do just fine. It is strategically located also. Otherwise, curtains.

An independent Scotland would be back in the EU within a short time regardless of the North’s status as part of the UK or not, which I don’t expect to change for several decades yet. There is no way they would be refused re-entry.

There would be a large element of a two-fingers from Europe to England in allowing the Scots in quickly and I imagine Europe would be very eager to take that opportunity.

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Something about those Spanish types and the basque region. The Spanish might object to a region going it alone and getting eu membership.

Still I agree, 5 years and it’ll be the valleys and England putting the Great into Great Britain.

NI is dependent on welfare. Ideology will flounder on that rock.

Do you think so? Not sure it would be that straightforward. In the context of getting back into the EU ‘quickly’ could mean 15 years

It’s viable, but there would be cuts left right and centre. They are running a massive budget deficit at the moment.

Ireland doesn’t fund it’s economy on oil. Scotland does. They can move away from that obviously but that’s where they are at the moment. It’s not that easy or quick to switch either.

Yes they did. At a much higher price than it is now.

The standard of living in all those countries was & is streets behind Scotland.
Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania saw mass emigration post joining the EU because of the low standards of living. Independence was certainly an improvement for them for various different reasons, is independence an improvement for Scotland?

The Spanish would not allow a quick re-entry. They’d get back in, but it wouldn’t be quick. It takes ages to get in, there’s formal processes etc. Even a sped up process would take at least 5 years. In the meantime they’d be cut off from the EU & the UK.

In order to be an independent country Scotland would have to go through an economic readjustment similar to us post the bailout. It’s doable but would anyone voluntarily sign up to it? They rejected independence when no such adjustment was predicted.


Logical, fact based post, will upset a couple of the feelings based posters.

Why are the Irish so obsessed with Scotland being Independent?

Why are the Scots so obsessed with it?