Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

All the pretend IRA lads are. Scotland voted to stay in Brexit. If Scotland manage to gain independence and subsequent membership of the EU , it is seen as just cause to at a minimum trigger whatever clause in the good Friday agreement to have a referendum on a united ireland


Because they are insecure servile lickspittles dependant on hand outs from mother England. They don’t really want FREEDOM.


They like the idea of independence, but not the reality of it.

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A Craven nation of greasy til fumblers*

*I reserve the right to change my opinion as per wby.

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I’m surprised none of the experts on here have mentioned Scotland’s vast fishing grounds. They are worth billions and if the Scots go out of the EU it means our waters will be raped even further.

Or their Scotch tape & Scotch egg industries.

Both of those industries are in sharp decline.

Tartan industry?

The Scots are about as reliable as an Irish helicopter

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Gone the way of the Paisley shirt.

Funny because one of the best arguments in favour of a UÍ is that it is silly to have a land border on a small island.

Britain is a couple times the landmass size but we are both comparitvely small places.

If it’s about people and affinities, the pretend IRA lads have barely concealed hatrid for one half of Northern Ireland.

Yea but you’re talking sense. That’s not allowed


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London voted in favour of staying in the EU. It is generally a pro Labour city with over 60% of MPs.

Corbyn is less popular than Paul Nuttall.

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This won’t suit the pretend unionists here:

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Britain will fight and Britain will be right:

Some of those tories are stuck in a time warp.

They are dreaming. They hardly have a navy any more.

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