Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Sure they have new navy recruits to dismantle the old navy boats.
Spending on defence is so 1980’s.
They are a bunch of inbred hicks all the same.
Free bar here.

The Gibraltar thing is a face saving excercise, when the deal with the EU hits the fan the Mail will be able to wave the flag and say they protected the sovereignty of part of the United Kingdom.

You hardly got to see tnag in Kent?

Did I feck. Back to civilisation for the highlights.

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Britain’s Royal Navy is substantially weaker than it was during the Falklands War but could still “cripple” Spain, military experts have said.

Rear-Adml Chris Parry, a former director of operational capability at the Ministry of Defence, has called on the Government to “appropriately” invest in Britain’s military capacity if it wants to “talk big” over Gibraltar.

It came as a former Tory leader suggested that Theresa May would go to war with Spain to defend the sovereignty of the peninsular just as Margaret Thatcher did with the Falklands.

Lord Howard said the Prime Minister will stand by Gibraltar during Brexit talks amid claims of an EU “land grab” for the territory.

As the Government moved to retake the Falkland Islands from Argentina in 1982, the Royal Navy had no fewer than 127 ships — including 60 destroyers and frigates and a dozen nuclear attack submarines - as well as two major amphibious ships and three aircraft carriers.

The latest figures show the Navy has no aircraft carriers in service, 7 nuclear attack submarines, 13 frigates and six destroyers, down from a combined fleet of 33 in 2000.

Britain’s military budget represented around four percent of GDP in the 1980s under Margaret Thatcher, at a time when the economy was a lot smaller, while it sits at just two per cent under Theresa May.

Rear-Adml Parry said that he did not believe current tensions would lead to military conflict.

But he said: "If the Government wants to talk big over Gibraltar, or indeed anywhere else, they have to invest appropriately in the military capacity to back that up.

"We are a lot less powerful than we were during the Falklands and we are less sustainable over time. Our capacity for actually enforcing our national will in military terms is significantly less.

"Our war fighting assets are weak after years of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and because of the disingenuous way in which the Government has resourced defence.

However, he insisted that Britain’s military capability “significantly” over-matches Spain’s and that if it came to a war, the UK is - qualitatively - three times more powerful. Our capacity to do them harm is far greater.

Bur he added: "We could cripple Spain in the medium term and I think the Americans would probably support us too. Spain should learn from history that it is never worth taking us on and that we could still singe the King of Spain’s beard”.

Is that one of the pieces you write yourself sid? Surely

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The torygraph boys were running wild there… or was it an April’s fool article

True freedom is the freedom to impose slavery.

Some great articles in Telegraph the last couple of days, good man for posting them. Beats the huff post panty wetter stuff you normally link. Cheers.

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Yes, mate. You’ll fight them on the beaches, you’ll fight them on the rock, you’ll fight them in the grotty English bars showing Only Fools and Horses that line the streets of Spanish holiday resorts. That’s the spirit, old chap.

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Just watching the British PM there bow down to the Saudi King … how could any leader in the western world, particularly one of the leading powers, and a female at that, bow down to these horrible sand niggers. They are the most horrible cunts on the planet and should be wiped out.

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A humble little Gibrawlta boat channels the spirit of Sir Francis Drake.

They won’t be happy until they’ve declared war on Spain :sweat_smile:

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You’ll pay, José!

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Nick Clegg coming up on Pat Kenny Live shortly to explain Brexit to the Micks. cc @Tassotti

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Clegg has an agenda, he’s an eu lickspillte, I wouldn’t expect any balance