Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

It should be comforting for Irish residents to know they have strong leadership each side of them should things kick off.

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Fair point. Trudeau and Sturgeon seem like decent sorts. For politicians anyway.


Evan Davies got right under that cunt Amber Rudds skin on Newsnight.

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Theresa May showing “strong leadership”, apparently, by chickening out of a leaders’ TV debate.

Really, participating in one TV debate (you’d expect three) during a general election campaign is the bare minimum you expect from a party leader in this information age but she can’t even do that.

Pathetic stuff.

Sure people would ask her questions about brexit in the debate. What would she do then?

That’s her plan alright. Half of them still think they voted to leave NATO. What you don’t know and all that

A call to arms


Britain is delighted it voted to leave the Eurovision, thank you. The British people are sick of the French and the Germans giving them nothing. No more!

Maybe that’s it. One last attempt to try and win it. The sympathy vote. Lump it on.
The TFK equivalent of looking for cheap likes

Pure fascism

Wasn’t Mrs May a Stay supporter?

Does this mean the Daily Mail wants to abolish the Lords?

There’s everyone flapping around like hens running from a fox when Trump was elected.
He’s only in the ha penny place compared to this mama.

She’s already explained it in the 12 point Brexit plan. A real leader is May.

Strong, decisive and brave. A real leader. So proud to have her as my leader


She is doing Jel a favour by not debating with him. Why should she give Ms Crankie a platform for her Chippy Scottish bile? And the latest gimp in charge of the Lib Dems?

One look at that cunt would be enough to get under most peoples skin.

It’s no surprise that May doesn’t want to do these debates. She’s a very cold, awkward unappealing woman. She’d come across very badly on TV.

Add in the fact that she’s a complete bluffer who is making it up as she goes along and you have a recipe for disaster.

All she has to do is let the the British gutter press do her bidding and she’ll get enough simpletons to vote for her and get a huge majority.



This lady has had more backtracks than @farmerinthecity, she doesn’t know what she’s at.

the simpleton oirish are bamboozled by the political manoeuvring of Theresa May :joy:

It might appear Machiavellian to a roaster like you, but it’s quite easy to see through her shameless political opportunism.

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