Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

All politicians are opportunists


True - but most keep their counsel and don’t do an about face within a few days to save them looking inept.

There’s a quiet hint of misogyny in here from the so called TFK lefties.


deep down the paddie simpletons are still going mental over Brexit


The micks don’t have the ability to understand what is a very complex matter.

Their idea of an election campaign is some roaster bawling into a loudspeaker after mass.


May will never have a better chance to solidify her leadership. That’s the point of the election.

It’s probably more of a gamble than is being acknowledged as well. The Lib Dems are going to pick up remain votes and Labour are down to their core vote at this point. A bit like Fianna Fail recently they can probably only gain ground at this point. If Corbyn had any sort of strategy at all it would be chance for them to bounce back strongly. There’s plenty of internal division in the Tories over Brexit on top of the usual infighting, but Corbyn has little to no chance of exploiting it fully.


It’s sad to see some of our diaspora struggling in bedsits in South London and Stalinist high rises in Poland exhibit so much hatred for the old country.


The Polish high rises would be grand if more of them had lifts. Everyone enjoys a balcony.

Why are Labour even supporting the election anyway? She needs a two-thirds majority doesn’t she? It would be the easiest thing in the world to oppose the election on the grounds of stability and national interest. And then just sit back and let the Brexit fiasco unfold. If they only had an ounce of Fianna Fail in them the Tories would be in serious trouble. But instead they’re more like the Greens.

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Not hatred. More like pity.

There are legal regulations for that. If the building is over six floors I believe having a lift is compulsory.

I assumed Labour would jump on the anti side … The Brits are odd-balls.

Jez is going to lead a workers revolution that’s why.

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Maybe May and your beloved Daily Mail are secretly organising a worker’s revolution…


Not just that. There’s also

  • crush Labour
  • distracts from Brexit for a bit
  • clear mandate for a hard brexit
  • so long NHS
  • hello home surveillance and big data gathering on an even bigger scale

It’s a fell swoop of political opportunism and it will (I’ll be amazed if it doesn’t) work.

It’s democracy actually mate, as much as you might dislike it.

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  1. It gives her a mandate. She is an unelected PM right now. She avoids Gordon Brown’s problem.
  2. She can put Cameron’s 2015 manifesto in the dustbin. The fuck up over increasing National Insurance was because of this. And daft stuff like the 0.7% of GDP going to foreign aid and they not knowing how to spend it.
  3. If they Tories make any inroads in Scotland, it halts the SNPs momentum.
  4. She can shape the cabinet as she wants it and fire Boris Johnson.

Big data gathering is happening anyway. The NHS is the NHS always with them (not us).

I don’t think they want to distract from Brexit. In fact Brexit is the one winning issue they have.

Do you think the Tories want to fight an election on issues like housing?

The West Midlands has it Mayoral elections on May 4th. There’s a Communist candidate running who’s said he won’t take a wage and the Green Party candidate has said he’ll take the average salary in the West Midlands. The Tories have wheeled out Karen Brady to help them.

The Labour candidate has mentioned he’s a season ticket holder at the Baggies. A bold move.

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