Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

What a load of horse shite.


Spiked and raped by a tory.

cunts are always at it.

No wonder the house Tory online rag is called “Spiked”

A Patriot no doubt

Or a tribesmen everyone is suspect

Is facepalm still a thing?


While I agree that Tommy Robinson is an absolute cunt, he royally mugged off John Sweeney with that rival documentary

The brains of the far left :laughing:


The Duke of Cambridge is furious I hear

Couple use media interview to say they need more privacy. Makes sense I guess

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The British people will rally around their Prince.

An interview as part of a documentary series where a camera followed them around for a month :man_shrugging:

The British tabloids are absolute scum (which to be fair is their target audience).

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