Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

all these “experts” are pulling figures, tables and models out of their arse, they are destroying the world economy over nothing more than a bad dose of flu, get the fuck out of it and start working again

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Protect the old and the vulnerable and let the rest of us go out and get it and be done with it


@Copper_pipe only extended his tinder radius today. Holding the proud line for his country

The scientists should be locked up


Being cockooned is what done for him.

Great banter

He’s a lying hypocritical utter cunt of a man, inflicting misery on millions stuck in flats with kids and the smarmy faced lying fucking wanker at that.
He should firstly not have been allowed to resign, he should have been fired, and secondly he should face criminal prosecution.
He’s a fucking bluffer of the highest order to boot.
Fair play to the tabloids on this and that Scottish bint in her holiday home.


Fairly clear he was set up by elements within the government.

The politicians wanted to loosen restrictions, he wanted them to remain. What better way to discredit him than leak it about his bit on the side…?

Set up?
Caught, hardly set up.
He’s a hypocrite and a fool.

Not even made the headlines on the bbc

Of course not. The Torygraph broke the story.

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He most certainly is but I doubt any journalist is camped outside the home of some nondescript scientist, monitoring who is coming and going, especially when journalists themselves are meant to be locked up at home like everyone else.

Number 10 had a bit of dirt on him, what better way to ease him aside.

He’s not nondescript. He was singlehandedly responsible for the slaughter of 17 million animals and the ruining of livelihoods reckoning there’d be hundreds of thousands of deaths from mad cow disease. Now he’s managed to somehow insert himself front and centre of the lockdown which may be causing as many deaths as it saves lives, and again is ruining the lives of millions. He’s ok though in secure tenure.
He’s a total cunt. Happy to ruin other people’s livelihoods, safe in his own.


I believed you when you said John Bishop was a cunt and I believe you now too.


Professor lockdown caught with his pants down

I don’t think they had to do much digging

They gave the fucker an OBE for the mad cow cull.

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Don’t forget the millions in funding from Bill and Melinda Gates’ foundation. That importance of that will become very apparent in time.

Bloody lefties, they always cause mayhem.