Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I thought he’d survive after the press briefing today but the hand grenade this evening really changes things. Apparently the spineless cunts are fuming that they backed him this morning. The guardian and mirror have played a blinder today. Gave them enough rope and then hit them with the second piece. If Cummings goes, he’ll take the whole cabinet with him. A dangerous fucker by all accounts. If he doesn’t go, the UK is fucked, people won’t care about guidelines or lockdowns. Starmer can’t believe his luck I’d say.


I can’t stand the cunt. Perhaps he will hold a lens to the current front bench, and people will awake from their stupor and realise exactly what is running the country.
I wouldn’t hold my breath though.

What you are saying is fine and dandy but the country is w basket case . Huge swathes are welfare dependent . It has a very poor entrepreneurial culture . It’s drinks industries are increasingly owned by multinational brands .

You sound like Enoch Powell mate.

I said nothing racist there kid . I have said Cummings should be shitcanned for stupidity .

I’d say the SNP are quietly raising a glass to him tonight also.

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You’d hope so but I wouldn’t be confident either. Grant Shapps must have really pissed them off to be sent out today. Whoever is up tomorrow will tell a lot. If it’s any of the five cunts , it’ll be interesting. If it’s someone like Jenrick, we’ll it’s carry on as per.

I have no idea why you are bringing Cummings into this as some sort of straw man.
Your opinions on Scotland mimic quite closely the musings of Powell and his ilk about Ireland a few years back.

Sky have already published a few of the questions they’ll be putting to shapps.
Cummings writing the answers now I’d imagine.

Thinking of sid tonight

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What’s the second revelation?

Cummings lied. Number 10 lied.

I have said here - partition in Ireland makes no sense and ditto on the island of Britain . If you see Enoch Powell in that statement then you need to lay off the aul Blue Nun

Which is not helpful. I was surprised at the questions today from the Telegraph and sun in the briefing. Actually all questions went hard at Shapps and Jenny Harries. You’d hope Sky will spring a few on him tomorrow.

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They’ll try and brazen it out. If Boris isn’t careful he’ll be gone within a year.

Hardly the 3rd secret of Fatima there. They all lie all the time. He’ll brazen this out. The executive cannot function without him

I suspect he’s made plenty of enemies in and around number 10. The rats might turn on him if they scent weakness.

He’s an absolute pig to the lifer civil servant types by all accounts. There would be a big clunking of flutes over zoom if he goes

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Starmer will cut him to shreds on Monday

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He’ll eviscerate him, as they say on tfk

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