Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

His bigger problem might be that he’s made himself answerable. All those inner circle cronies getting govt contracts are fair game for questioning now.

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He seems to be under some weird delusion that the people are in awe of him or something

Gary has done a great job here. Mixing it up nicely.

C4s Gary filetting Cummings here

Who’s this guy, getting personal now

Who is this guy? I am surprised that no one has asked him about going for a drive to test his eyesight?

Brilliant. 20 mins ago his wife had covid symptoms prior to leaving London. Now she didn’t have a cough or temperature the only ones that count.

The English are truly the weirdest cunts on the planet.

“They feel like mugs now.” :smile:

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My tfk heart burst with pride when he said this!


Who put this journalists name on the list? They will be fired. :slight_smile:

@Tassotti come home out of that shit hole

Tied up in knots by his own lies :laughing: :laughing:

Someone please ask him about all these decisions he has made as an unelected advisor. How much power does he have?

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Sean Whelan well down the pecking order for questions

Does Mary not drive at all?

Who brings their wife and child out in the car if they are unsure they’ll be able to drive properly?

He’s blaming the wife and he’s implicated his PM

Those boyos had an empire that ruled the world once

Sure so did the Italians and the Greeks and the Egyptians and one of them is worse than the next now.

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