Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He is making his demise slower and more painful than it really ought to be. The longer he talks the worse it gets. Hubris really is a bitch

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I think Cummings has built up a lot of enemies over the years and his chickens have come home to roost.

I wonder if he met a man with a pint in each hand. :slight_smile:

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So he stopped for petrol. Did he use gloves?

It’s like the RA infiltrated the UK government and planted these fools to plot their demise

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My favourite bit is how when at Barnard Castle he did all the things people saw him do but each one was only for a few seconds or as few minutes as possible.


You can tell theres a part of Cummings absolutely loving this. See how they are all dancing to my tune. Very Trumpian and typical of a narcisists propensity to be their own worst enemy

Not watching but TFK needs someone being sent home with “their tea in a mug”

If nobody is sent home with their tea in a mug the whole thing has been a cod.

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Weak set of questions from this lad

@iron_mike has a table like Cummings’ on his back patio

As a strategy to engage the public Cummings press conference has been an abject failure. He has zero human empathy, incapable of cracking a smile never mind a tear. If he messed up a simple apolgy on Friday evening and this story would have blown over. Just another genius undone by arrogance and his own inflated sense of self importance

All the wife’s fault according to Dom



Why has nobody compared it to Ferguson’s or the chief scientist in Scotland?

He really wants to say “Fuck Them, I don’t give a shit” :slight_smile:

He’s been caught here, the question, ‘What do you say to the voters’? And he answers it
No one voted for you Dom you muppet

I’m looking forward to Boris coming out afterwards all chummy and saying ‘glad that’s all done. Now who fancies a drink?’


The really bizarre thing here, is that eyesight thing is so “dog ate my homework” it’s blatantly obvious he’s lying about everything. It’s mental. He’s a fucking idiot.