Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Dom is a fully paid up member of the misogyny crew.

Boris has the daily press briefing himself scheduled for 6. There you would assume the case for the defense will rest for now. The front pages tonight will be telling. PMQs on Wednesday even more so. Cummings actually started okay there but came totally undone from the Beth Rigby question on. His detailed account brings only ever more questions.

Assuming there is no more revelations it’s 50/50 he survives at this moment. If Boris doesn’t fuck up against Sir Kier on Wednesday and they make it to the weekend intact he has a fighting chance. There could be a sting in the Sundays yet mind

He will survive. The conservatives have too big a majority in the House of Commons. Bascially the British people handed the Tories to do what they want, when they want for the next 5 years.


Alistair Campbell giving it both barrels now

The tories are in bigger trouble if he stays though. They know it too, 20plus of their MPs calling for his head. I said it already Cummings staying is the last thing that can derail Brexit at this point



Told ya. I’ll make a fortune out of that table yet

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Twitter is good at times like this tbf


True but the Tories have a habit of sticking a knife into their leader if they see things going badly. They won’t wait until after a General Election defeat to knife Boris.

Bit of a difference between lying to invade Iraq and taking a spin in your car.

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I find this all quite amusing to be honest. This guy isn’t even an elected MP. He is an advisor. It would be like the public and media over here dragging some civil servant over the coals. Not in a million years would you see a civil servant standing on the plinth outside the dail giving a public statement and fielding questions from Fergal Bowers and Micheal Lehane for over an hour.

Wednesday week. Parliament on a break. Keir will have his homework done.

So he drove from London to Durham without stopping for fuel or a piss but had to stop for a piss on short hope to Barnard Castle

He’s been unlucky here.

I see. Hopefully Sir Kier will still have an opposition by then

The Remainers and Paddy hiding under the bed are seething.


@Lazarus has been frothing at the mouth and windmilling all day but they haven’t got past the little issue of no laws were broken and the fact that it boils down to ‘man makes trip to family’.

Guys thought they had Watergate here. Some chap @Declan_Moffat, I think, even went down the route of advising which family members they should have visited or considered for their childcare issues. Fascinating.

You died on your e sword defending Dominic Cummings. Too late running to @balbec now for the kiss of life


I’m staying above the battlefield on this one.

Sean Whelan was visibly seething on the 6 o clock news there now .

He was a good soldier, sad to see him fall for this of all things

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