Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Doubling up as ambassador to Galway

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Nice hubcaps

One glaring omission here

Fight fight fight

Has the twitter thread got the chop? Or do I need to go for a spin to check my eyesight

DC has managed to turn this onto the media now.

Once the likes of Lineker and Allister Campbell are gunning for a head it will turn a lot of people against it.

Fat pompous bastard Ian Blackford first on the list of course.

UK is divided straight down the middle now like the US, the divisions go much deeper than Brexit. The other side is always wrong just because they are the other side. Whatever hope anyone had of Boris being a unifying figure with that majority are up in thin air now. The Covid crisis was a golden opportunity to bring the country together and Boris being Boris goes and does the complete opposite, There will be riots on the streets before the year is out

Well some of the Tories who lined up against him suggested it wasn’t that simple

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The divide in the UK now is between the Tories & Working Class versus Labour and the Middle Class Metropolitan Media elite. And the Scotch sniping away at the side. And the Welch.

Raquel is it?

Same in the US and COVID has amplified it. The liberal media and WFH “I’m all right jack” brigade have further alienated working class people who have actually lost their jobs and are facing economic ruin. Based on very dubious manipulation of data to spread panic about a disease that is nowhere near as serious for the great majority of the population as is being promoted. The actual recent data is quite staggering.

The latest CDC estimate on mortality rate of infected (IFR) is 0.26%, about twice that of the seasonal flu. The staggering part is that while only 1.7% of the US population reside in nursing homes, they account for 53% of deaths. The death rate in nursing homes is 4X the death rate of the >75 age group not in nursing homes and 30X the general population. The overall death rate (deaths per capita) for Covid including nursing homes is almost identical to the 2017 flu season, 0.022% versus 0.017%. For the under 75 age group it is 0.01% versus 0.006%.

This has been an utter balls up by western governments at the national and local level. New York sending elderly Covid+ patients back to nursing homes to free up hospital beds, and Cuomo hailed as a great leader. Florida isolated Covid patients and have a fraction of New York nursing home deaths. The people who made the New York decision should be in jail.


the whole thing is a cod

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The fact that the working class have picked the tories and the republican party on either side of the Atlantic ocean is very depressing for any of them with a brain.


The WFH fake socialists don’t care about poor people losing their jobs.


Everything you post? Agreed.

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they don’t care about people dying either

… and the reason they have picked them says everything about the Democratic party in the US and the Labour party in the UK, and how utterly out of touch they are with working people.