Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

You said he was blind sided by a cowardly cunt. That is spectacularly wrong even by your extremely high standards of being spectacularly wrong.

From the first angle it certainly wasn’t clear. If it was crystal the second angle wouldn’t have been posted up. But then I also said,before it was clear that if he was asking for it then that’s a different story. But you’re ignoring that.

I try and answer everyone here but in future if the other person is too stupid to understand what’s written in front of them there’ll only be one answer. Enjoy your one answer,don’t spend it all in the one shop.

Never fight a fight you can’t win.

A thing of beauty

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He was punching well above his weight there :joy:

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A group of lads performing Nazi salutes in front of Churchill’s statue as they protect it from those who they say are trying to rewrite history.

The mind boggles.

The UKs education system is badly failing them

It always comes back to the layabout teachers sadly.

You can be arrested for carrying a weapon. Reading some.lads attaching keys to one end and saying sick of losing their keys, it’s a fancy key chain!!

This video is a good demonstration of what happens when a shit welter-weight with no technique and no defence decides to fight a heavy-weight with good technique.

What a backtrack. :smile:

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? You had massive difficulty following a thread earlier


Will you fuck off, you’ve a set on Rocko. You then steam in calling a punch on a degenerate racist a cowardly belt.

Go away to fuck :smile:

Re read the posts there, or are there words in there that appeared post junior cert?

Landing on his head - easy way to end up on a manslaughter charge.

It’s okay, bro.

You can start into Keady in 89 soon if you like.

4000 people at the rave in Manchester :open_mouth:

Starmer got a hiding today at PMQ

Boris was nearly assassinated outside Westminster.

OK, Karen


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