Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I see Sir Keir sacked Rebecca Wrong Daily for sharing an article containing anti-Israel sentiment.


Wonderful nickname

She gave him an absolute tap in.

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Sir Kier doesn’t fuck around


You’ve really changed your tune on Jez and his allies.

Have you managed to articulate your bitter irrational hatred of a hardworking decent family man yet?

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Starmer is a proper politician

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A big upgrade on Magic Grandpa.


A low bar that.
Rebecca wrong-daily’s feet didn’t touch the ground.

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He means business.

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He was only waiting for the first chance he got to off that nutcase. Job done. This man will restore the Labour party to power

He has Boris to to the heavy lifting.

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Boris is in over his head and he knows it

Everyone able to read a word of more than two syllables knows it. That uucoam Gove will be sharpening the knife.

I’d love to see the Gover in there. What a slimeball

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He’s like the bastard lovechild of Michael MacIntyre and Tony Blair

It would be fantastic entertainment

The squealy little fuck. He’s like a Disney pig.
