Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Great to see the wind taken out of his sails.

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He’s the epitome of an English wanker.

Dont fuck with ze Germans

england dont fear gerry.

Gerry needs to tell the Frogs to be reasonable about the fishes and the job will be OXO.

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I’d say she’s an animal in the sack.


This Ben Bradley lad isn’t coming across as the sharpest tool in the box.

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Hamish McJockstrap would need the price of oil to treble before he can wean off John Bull’s teat.

John bull doesn’t have a test anymore. John bull mostly used abducted wet nurses in any case.

He couldn’t even be arsed to comb his cunting hair.

Oh he combed it alright but I suspect even John bull is seeing through his shtick

Life is normal in England according to a prominent poster on here?

It has been pretty normalish bar wet pubs being closed, and having to wear a mask while ordering. That’s about to change as the cunt has closed everything.

I was there for 2 weeks, things were far more “normal” than here in London anyway.

People were still choosing to restrict their own movements by and large from what I could see.

I wonder if the Democrats remember this, I have a feeling they just might

Narrator: they do

Obama did have a nasty habit of meddling in the business of other countries. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Afghanistan all spring to mind, and granted the Brexit comments were minor by comparison, but still. He was a prick.