Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Racism has a way of catching up with fellas


It’s about the only thing I’d give Trump credit for - he never started a war. However, he worsened the situation of Palestinians immeasurably.

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Obama interfered in both the Brexit & Scots Indy referendum . He had no business doing so .

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Fair point on a war

Have you metrics to back that up regard Palestine ??.

My understanding is things were pretty crap for Palestinians in November 2016 and they pretty much remain so in November 2020

Kurds too

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Jared Kushner


That’s send the twee lot off

Is he an Israeli commando ???

Trump hung out the Kurds to dry. It was his way for 4 years, do nothing, talk a lot and leave your friends and allies out on a limb


I’m looking forward to Boris building on the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom

John Bull better fall in line. There’s an Irishman in the White House.


It’s too late for this mob. I actually think my mate SKS would get on well with both Biden and the Irish govt.

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Sir Keir with a dignified message to the President elect :clap:

His predecessor would probably have been on Iranian TV ranting about America


Boris will be offering trump MI6 to help get the election overturned.
In truth, it’ll be nauseating watching that cunt and the rest of the floaters in cabinet now brown nosing Biden.
I hope he treats them with the respect they deserve.

Farage is some cunt. He’s also seething.


Ah lovely. What’s he seething about anyway? He was as much part of the administration as anyone.

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No doubt he will as his support for Zionism will fall neatly into line with KH’s hubby But he’d have been as happy with Jared Kushner

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I’d argue that moving th US embassy to Jerusalem gave Netanyahu the green light to push on with his illegal settlement policy which steals Palestinian land & destroys their villages & farms. He also of course disparages the UN who for all its faults might be the only body standing between the Palestinians and total destruction.