Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Ruh roh

Dom will get his disruptive way either in or out of government. A dangerous enemy I’d reckon, better to keep him close and impotent

Hard to call who I’ll be shouting for. Two absolute cunts but I think I’ll go for the Dom.

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Will the forum adopt Dom’s cause and cheer for him?

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I’d say so.

I suspect rishi or the gover is egging him on.
Every person involved in this is a total cunt.

If Cummings had hair he would be the Rasputin of our age

I doubt Cummings is actually that bright. He has a pig like cunning, and is overwhelmingly arrogant (which is generally a sign of being a bit thick)


Politics is funny in so many senses.

Now The Domster, who despises the cretins on the 1922 Committee, will join forces with them to cause big bother for Aloris. Many of the 1922ers do not like Aloris, do not think he is a proper hardline Conservative. They are not at all happy with how much has been borrowed for unemployment payments, even though they could not offer, being thick, an alternative plan. Never forget David David counts in this cohort as nigh cream of the crop, even though DD got accurately described by The Domster (“thick as mince”).

Aloris held safe enough while the next election looked in the bag and the presence of Aloris at the helm seemed part of that bag’s weave. Not so if Aloris starts to fray under pressure of scandals sleazy and scandals sexy. Nor can anyone become leader without majority support from the 1922ers. I mean, you are dealing with a crowd who were an Andrea Leadsom brain fart away from making Andrea Leadsom – thick as badger mince – Prime Minister.

The Gories have two elements to surmount. Winning the next election is obviously numero uno. But how, before that juncture, will the financial situation be contained, as it unwinds in a post pandemic context? Would Rishi Sunak want to be Chancellor as cold realities come to roost in nine to 18 months’ time?

Seems to me the Gories, if Aloris is evicted, might be in the market for a stooge Chancellor during this period. I wonder might The Gover and The Suner come to some sort of arrangement where the former gets to be PM and the latter Foreign Minister while a stooge takes the big heat as Chancellor. Or the other way round, if The Gover is an unacceptable face for too many as leader. While Priti Patel and Gavin Williamson are both probably a step too far in the stooge stakes, someone like Liz Truss or Nadhim Zahawi could hove into view.

The Gover – a true believer in all sorts of weirdo right wing stuff – is The Domster’s best means of getting back in the game. So all stops will be out.


Do you think Cummings wants to get back in the game or is he just out to nail Boris?

The Gover is driving Cummings, he has it in for Boris for a good few years now

Not as clever as he thinks he is.

An experienced political operator like the Gover will use him like a cheap tampoon

Save his own skin. The Times are saying that he’s doing this because he’s worried about jail for the Brexit vote or the impending COVID inquiry. They’ve said that he has audio recording, emails , texts etc. of what went on. As batshit mental as the 1922 are , even they wouldn’t support Gove. Mainly because the public despise the cunt. @Malarkey is right on Williamson and Patel too. Williamson sees himself as some sort of enforcer and wants to be chief whip again. The public won’t touch him or Pate either. Well certain parts of the public


Both. He is a truly awful individual – demented with ego, retrofitting a blog to be ‘right’.


Sir Kier has the Gories hopping like sausages in a pan

Sir Kier has to play this one cleverly. Right now Cummings is doing his dirty work for him. He should let that play out before he makes any more moves


Starmer is useless, a wet blanket

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That’s the smart move. However there’s some in Labour who will say that’s wrong and not doing enough.

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Corbyn would have you all locked up waiting for the Lada to arrive with the Sputnik jabs