Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Never forget this craic is the sort of contemptuous inanity in play. All still OU gameplaying, right to the top.

Whether he is or isn’t he has a potential game changer here without having to lift a finger.

Incorrect. It was Sir Kier who put pressure on the Dyson tax write off to Boris at PMQs on Wednesday. Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze was the mantra, Bojo was visibly rattled, angry even, it was evident Sir Kier was onto something. Within 24 hours No 10 were openly saying it was Cummings who was the source of the Johnson/Dyson whassap leaks. DC has come back with both barrels and now is ready to report to the MPs committees where the bodies are buried. No 10 are ‘terrified’ what he will say.

Sir Kier strung 'em up like a kipper

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Captain Hindsight?

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Boris was there for the taking and the wet blanket couldn’t finish him off, he’s not strong enough, he can’t think on his feet, Boris can, and thats what the public lap up

Sir Kier is playing the long game. Boris is out of his depth, he might have saved football but this is senior hurling we’re talking here

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10 years of tory levelling up

Cons (+7)

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about but I find myself nodding along in agreement.

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There’s a reason you are the forums favorite son

Any PMQs where Starmer can string Johnson along and tie him up in knots through the questions as if he’s in a courtroom drives Johnson demented. He can’t handle it at all. It’s when Starmer tries to get the sound bite or jumps between issues that Johnson is at his strongest because he can bullshit and bluster away.


:hushed: The Gories will have a tough time blabbering their way out of this one

Unfortunately, they won’t.

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Conservatives +2 incoming

It’s all the one. The Tories won’t win the next election anyway. They will have been in power for 13-14 years.


Only a letter from 15% of MPs needed to trigger a no confidence vote in Johnson. But those MPs’ detestation of Cummings is probably helping Johnson a bit for the moment.

Having Cummings around always ends up a disaster. I suppose you could call this craic, after Princess Nut Nut evicted Cummings, ‘long Brexit’, the political equivalent of ‘long Covid’.

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How do you mean?

Boris was getting a lot of praise on TFK recently. That headline will only copper fasten their admiration.

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Tis gas, tis gas.

And very very worrying, the whole thing.