Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

By whom??

Says the magazine formerly edited by Johnson…


Johnson has the hold of an abusive partner on a large section of the English public.

“He constantly lies to us? Good on him.”

“He’s corrupt? Good on him.”

“He’s shameless? Good on him. Wot a legend.”

“He doesn’t care a jot for our lives? Good on him, we deserve it.”

The UK media is heavily Tory-slanted and have conditioned that section of the UK public, enough to win elections, to tolerate anything.

When a population has been progressively ground down into terminal self-loathing and cynicism, the only things they have left are nostalgia, wrapping the flag around themselves, a sense of terminal victimhood, a paranoid desire to hold on to the delusion they’re superior to “the other” - ie. ethnic minorities, religious minorities, sexual minorities, gender minorities, minorities of any sort, and “entertainment”. The politics of spectacle.

Nothing anybody says will convince the battered partner that they can or should break free of their abuser.

Especially anything Cummings, who is a deeply dislikable individual, will say.

Instead the battered partner doubles down and justifies the batterings.

The only hope Britain has is that i) those who control the Tory press do not realise that under Johnson they have a ticket to eternal victory and throw him overboard or ii) they realise it and decide to push him overboard anyway, just to feed their own obsession with power and influence, just for the hell of it, for the thrill of it.

It’s not a good situation when your only hope is that terrible people will turn on other terrible people, and devour the whole project.

If the Tory press do push their figurehead overboard in search of a “purer” purveyor of their “Lord Of The Flies” ideology and install Gove, he will crash and burn, because Gove has none of Johnson’s bad stand up comedy, mass manipulative, Just William instincts. Gove is universally reviled in a visceral way. To lead a cult, you need a cult leader, and Gove is not a cult leader. Johnson is.

Johnson has the hold over the Tory masses that Jack Charlton did over the Irish public. Gove would be Stephen Kenny.

I don’t think the Tory press are stupid, they just peddle stupidity to the masses, and that’s why Johnson will not be thrown overboard.

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Ee’s one of us, innee

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They’ve got enough wrong without me shaming them even further but I’m sure you’ve a good idea who they are.


Mrs Dominic Cumming works for the Spectator as does the husband of the No 10 Press Secretary.

A poll a few days ago from London see 7% think Keir Starmer has charisma.

The Boris fanboys have gone very quiet

Brexit is done lads



The brexit svengali himself the very same man who will bring down the Tory Government. Who would have thunk it? I must say I never saw this Cumming

He’d want to ditch that silly woman for a start. She seems to be running the show.

Horse features herself

What the lady wants the lady gets

The Red Wall never voted for her.

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No one gives a monkeys about this stuff, the economy is about to take off in ways people never thought possible

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The looney lefties above still frothing at the mouth over brexit. Imagine letting those crackpots near the economy. You’d be growing lettuce out the back to match the lettuce in their brains in jig time.