Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Fucking bent coppers.

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An axe in the head :grimacing::flushed:

Is Priti Patel a very bad person?

Well during the whole Brexit thing apparently she suggested at a cabinet meeting that "we should starve the Irish into submission " So make your own mind up after that

She never said that

I did say “apparently”

@iron_mike backtracking quicker than a Limerick hurling manager here

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There was something very wrong about that photo of her seeing off the immigrants today.

The best was when Patel was reading out the covid figures.:grinning:

She is absolutely vile.


I bet anything you’ve knocked one out to her.

Wrong thread

I lol’d at that God forgive me.

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You’re a strange man. She’s absolutely hideous. Sid is deflecting here, but Irish lads go mad for anything that looks like it’s had a shower in the last 24 hours.


You’re an Irish lad. Don’t forget that.


I don’t.
Patel has her makeup and hair done in any photo. That’s the only “attractive” feature I can see. She is ugly in every single way.

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She’s one of those people who is ugly on the inside.


Another lovely person