Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They’re all in a cheese and wine party with Carrie whilst she decides what to do

should bee a cracking PMQ today

Jesus, even the Sport are having a dig.


Even LBC are getting stuck in.

The level of seethe over here on this one appears to be at another level

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it is disgusting, they hold a party when people are blocked from going to see family members last moments

It’s even gaining traction in the torygraph

The Wail turned first.
It looks like it’s finally starting to crack.
Billions given to his pals, widespread corruption, incompetence on a grand scale, lies and more lies, philandering, assault, and it’s a Christmas work party that does it 🤷


As I always say, its the optics. Much like here. People couldnt give a shite about what the government do in the Dail or decisions made, but go have a picnic and a bag of cans in Phoenix Park and you’ll hear all about how disgraceful it is.

For Britain, it is probably the right thing for them, but got there in the wrong manner. The tories really are a hateful bunch though. I found a video on twitter of a 12 year old Jacob Reese Mogg. He was always destined to be an absolute cunt.

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I said a couple of years ago that your mate Sir Keir will only have to stand up straight and Labour will be elected the next time. Tories have been in power from 2010 and even if they were performing well they would be booted out. Which they aren’t of course.

I hope Boris brazens it out.


I hope the cunt dies roaring in a jail

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This isn’t necessarily true. Depends very much on who or what the MSM want in power.
I think the Tories may be undone by a low voter turnout, as I think there will be a very high anything but Boris turnout, especially if SKS somehow manages to gently reintroduce the single market as a potential destination. (but absolutely not the tyranny of the EU, old bean)
There’s a lot of middle ground middle class voters appalled by the loss of freedom of movement.

I suspect Boris will brazen it out. He will most certainly try. He’s spent the morning looking for
A A fall guy
B A distraction
C Hoping his bill to remove the independence of the judiciary goes unnoticed until too late

The reality is when a tipping point number of Tory MPs think their seats are in danger Boris will be toast .

Boris has got Brexit done so his usefulness has largely been completed

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If true, is it Javid ,Eustace and Raab having enough? Or just no clue how to defend it?

Surely today’s PMQs is the biggest open goal for Labour in years.