Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Not for nothing here, and use whatever words you want…

But the use of this type of thing in time will be seen the same way as calling someone a retard/spastic/handicap etc today.

There’s a growing population of families impacted heavily by autism out there, and while it’s possible he is high functioning Asperger syndrome or something like that, I’d just stay away from using the spectrum as an insult.

Thankfully I’m not one of those families but I’ve a family member working in a school for autism and believe me the more extreme cases are absolutely horrific. There but for the grace of God…


Spectrum is currently a term in use by medical professionals. I can’t keep up with the permanently outraged, but I apologize if I offended you.

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Here is one of the most disingenuous and stupid columns I have read in a long time. Larry Elliott, like Seumas Milne, considers himself a man of the true unbowed Left. I think he is cankered utopian idiot. People like him are delusional – maybe entirely so but certainly on this topic. Labour can never out loon the Tory/UKIP loons on this front:

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What’s Boris next move?

He’s waiting on a taxi to get him to the House of Commons where he will address the house and presumably take questions


I’m assuming BoJo will go with….mistakes were made….lessons learnt….let’s move forward together….rule Britannia…

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Red Ange looking well on Sky news now. Big black coat on her, my imagination says nothing underneath but skimpies. Phwoooooaaaarrrr.

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Boris is up

Borris is sorry and will learn.

Ah sure “lessons learned”. Sorted.

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But the civil servants…

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“I will fix it”

“We got Brexit done”

Move along says Boris

He is sorry but Vaccine roll out, Brexit, we’re great really blah blah

Shameless shit :rofl:

Sir Keir not mincing his words here

Using a Thatcher quote against Johnson :ronnyroar:

Boris references Jimmy Saville!!

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Boris referencing Jimmy Saville, desperation mode