Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

You’ve got to almost admire the neck on him.

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Theresa May lobs down a gernade


She is fucking loving this :rofl:


Blackford absolutely losing it here

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Red card

He was seething

He knew it was coming. The speaker is fucking clueless

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Another grenade lobbed from his own backbenches

The speaker is in Boris pocket, horrified he may not get a knighthood. Spinach of a man.

Speaker isn’t up to it at all.

Give it Bercow til the end of the season


Bercow Bounce. He would bring a bit of razamatazz anyway.

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By the end of this, half the UK will think Boris has identified some procedural failings in Downing Street that were nothing to do with him, and as a great leader will introduce the appropriate reform.

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Nah, half the UK despise the oaf, the other half are watching love island. The few that still like him are gently soiling the chairs in the golf club.



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You’re right. Half is a stretch, though I think there is still a significant cohort that think he is a great fella. Often seem to be lower middle class types that aspire to be part of the Eton class.

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Just gets better

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With aplogies to @TheUlteriorMotive

A somewhat bizarre exchange on drugtaking there. Asked by a labor MP was there a culure of drugtaking in No 10 Boris said the question should be redirected to the Labor front bench