Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Basically accused the Labour front bench of being junkies, not a peep from Hoyle.

I’d be worried if I was Boris. There’s barely any Tory backbenchers left. No doubt busy plotting away

Patel really doesn’t want to be there.

Nadine Dorres obviously headed for the bar.


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Hopefully iron.


Fucking hell.

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She is utterly vile.

“Scotland Yard has confirmed it will NOT identify people who receive fixed penalty notices as a result of the ‘partygate’ investigation”

Boris is a genius.

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She’s verging on Catherine Tate Am I Bovvered there.

Does your mama know that you’re out?

mattress dominoes GIF

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If the real chaos agents like Munira Mirza are jumping ship he’s in trouble.

The Jimmy Saville comment was the straw thatr broke the camels back

A pound shop Trump

What a fucking country lads. Leave them at it