Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Christ almighty….

Scary there are still 28% who would vote Tory.

Ingerlish politics is fucked.

Its like watching an eastenders omnibus


Place is fucked

“These people”

I can think of far worse examples of entitlement culture. The utter vacuity Michelle Dewberry for instance, and the right wing Brexiteer kleptocrats she shamelessly shills for.

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From another forum - english fella got this info about new energy ‘deals’
Fucked, absolutely fucked.

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Emily is a one woman army



At last, the Tories prove that Brexit has polluted the UK

Stewart Lee

Having raw sewage lapping around the UK is a fitting symbol of our freedom from the tyranny of EU red tape

" Ironically, the clogging of the seas around Britain with untreated excrement already threatens the core values of Brexit. Currently, I am in Edinburgh, performing two sold-out shows a day of “so-called” “woke” “comedy”. Between the middle ages and the 19th century, the spot currently occupied by Princes Street Gardens was home to the Nor’ Loch, an artificial lake that became so clogged with the human filth that ran down from the crowded tenements on the north slope of the Royal Mile that in hot summers a crust of excrement would harden across it strong enough to bear the weight of a man.

Indeed, in A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland (1775), James Boswell recalls Samuel Johnson betting him a hundred guineas that he could not bear him upon his back over the encrusted sewage-lake. Boswell tried his best, but the creme brulee sliver of human waste cracked at around the point where the Ann Summers shop stands today and both Johnson and Boswell fell floundering into the filth, while much hilarity ensued. The problem for the Brexit government is that on a calm day, with a hot sun, the surface of the enshatted English Channel itself could similarly harden, allowing migrants in their millions to simply walk into Brexit Britain on foot, a spectacular own goal of Brexit’s regulations bonfire." :rofl:

So he knows the UK people are friends of the French, but that the politicans are only saying they hate the french to gain favour with those same people

Torsten bell is a smug little wanker and a Tory stooge.

Liz Truss, prime minister :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Succeeding Teresa May, and Boris Johnson. It’s like they’ve given up being a proper country altogether.

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We just have to row in behind our new leader now.