Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

What’s more impressive than the 20 pints is a drinking feat I heard of recently. A friend of mine has a work colleague that has a flake of small kids. He’s only allowed out by the wife on a Sunday afternoon for five hours, once a month. The first two hours he slams in seven or eight pints, getting shitfaced, and completely winds down for the remaining three, about a pint an hour back to sobriety and tips home in a reasonable state. I think it’s a wonderful adaptation and shows why we humans are top of the food chain.


That cannot be standard. 40 pints in two days. Sweet Jesus.

That never happened

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Hardly. I went drinking the day of the 2013 All Ireland. Started with a lock in in the Hill 16 and had twelve pints under my belt before going in for the minor match, which I enjoyed thoroughly, seeing as we beat Galway. 20 over 14 hours would be no big deal.

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I’m in with senior hurlers here.

A great spot for early pints. I was in there once on a non match day and didn’t last long though, rough as fuck.

I wasn’t there

In the hotel reading a book?

We used to go to the sunset when we were chaps coming up on the train way back when :hushed:

On a a scale of 1 to weekend at bernies how drunk were you after 20 pints

At around 11pm I was full weekend at Bernies, but I rallied through and sobered up somewhat as the night progressed and was walking, talking, knew what I was doing (but in that stoned like drunk state) at the end.

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I though that would have been helpful to you and the contract-of-indefinite-duration-wife.

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I call that the I got so drunk I sobered up state. Where alchohal has no more effects.

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Good hustle. I wouldn’t be capable of drinking pints like that at all. Just get too full.

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I drink Guinness. Very filling. Six or seven would be the most

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I see that Zac Goldsmith wanker lost his seat in the bye election he triggered, lolz.

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A spectacular self mugging off

Who got in?

Lib dems

Full result:

Sarah Olney (Liberal Democrats) - 20,510
Zac Goldsmith (Independent) - 18,638
Christian Wolmar (Labour Party) - 1,515

Tremendous tactical voting by Labour supporters to oust Goldsmith, Jeremy Corbyn take a bow!

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