UK general election 2019 - corbinned

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Ha! It’s probably true though - people vote against their own interests all the time.

Trump’s foreign policy positions are one of the reasons people cite why Russia would interfere - yet Jeremy Corbyn’s Russian friendly positions are an irrelevance here. :rofl:

I only asked for an evaluation of whather @TreatyStones’ joke was anti-Semitic or not, not a rant about Israel/Palestine

But anyway

Yes, obviously

Holocaust as it relates to the extermination of the Jewish population of Europe by the Nazis is always spelled with a capital H

I’m suprised you didn’t know that - I believe its offical policy of Israel as well as the IHRA etc. that it is always spelled with a capital H - not doing so is seen as an attempt to minimize it

Quite right, they did represent no threat to Europe whatsoever

But that hasn’t stopped you painting immigrants as an existential threat, as you did in the Brexit referendum, or immigrants to the US as an existential threat

That uses the exact same rationale as the Nazis - the Holocaust didn’t start with the gas chambers, you know, it started by calling the Jews “a threat”, “communists” (ring any bells), and then their progressive and systematic dehumanisation

Ilhan Omar made a quip when she said “it’s all about the Benjamins” based on the facts that the Israeli president is Benjamin Netanyahu, “it’s all about the Benjamins” is a widely used popular culture phrase in the US, and the fact that Israel is heavily dependent on getting as much funding from the US as possible

Doesn’t seem very anti-Semitic to me

That didn’t stop you painting her as everything short of literally being Hitler

Perhaps you could be consistent and do the same to @TreatyStones

Would it be anti-Semitic to say that Netanyahu is corrupt, given that he absolutely is?

Corrupt being also a classic anti-Semitic trope

Yet if anybody in the public eye says that Netanyahu is corrupt, they’d very likely be accused of anti-Semitism on completely bogus grounds, - ie. because “corruption” is often used as an anti-Semitic trope, the corrupt Netanyahu cannot be called “corrupt”

Very Trump-esque, and that’s policing of words for extreme bad faith means

Israel has a record of doing this - such as when it objected to the Armenian holocaust being called such because it wanted exclusive rights to the word

The completely unfair vilification of Ocasio-Cortez for her use of the term concentration camp is another extreme bad faith policing of language for transparently nefarious means

I don’t - I just call anti-Semites anti-Semites

More projection on your part because you actually do have a proven record of calling people who disagree with you all sorts, most notably, laughably “communist”, as well as “Nazi”, such as “feminazis”

Israel, pro-Israel interests and indeed yourself have a long record of wrongly branding oppenents of theirs as anti-Semitic

This is weaponisation of anti-Semitism - using it as a weapon to try and destroy your political opponents - false charges of anti-Semitism are Kafkaesque because of the grotesque historical echoes of anti-Semitism in the pre-war and war period - if somebody wrongly accused tries to deny it or fight back, the weaponisers use it as more ammunition for their smearing

That’s why it’s so damaging and so disgraceful to use it in bad faith as a weapon - which is sadly widespread in bad faith politics now

I referred to communism above, anybody with any cursory historical knowledge can see the similarities to Joe McCarthy

Meanwhile Israel and the pro-Israel lobby has an extremely high tolerance for real anti-Semitism when it aligns with its geopolitical interests - it completely refuses to call out such anti-Semitism

Those bad fith weaponisers of anti-Semitism refuse to call out real anti-Semitism - and you are a classic example, given you have refused to call out the many examples of real anti-Semitism from people who it is inconvenient to you to expose

Michael Gove is the latest example of this phenomenon - his categorically anti-Semitic conflation of all Jews and Israel was airbrushed out of history by those who act in bad faith

They are taking their land, and genociding and destroying them as a people

They are using a very similar justification for taking Palestinian land as that which Hitler used for invading Czechoslovakia, just as Putin did when invading Ukraine

The lesson of World War II was “never again”

“Never again” means that generalised prejudice and vilification of an ethnic group, religion or people or other non-chosen identity is unacceptable

Yet a very quick look at right-wing politics now shows us that this exact ideology of generalised prejudice and vilification is the key thing underpinning it

Sadly the lesson you took from the Holocaust was that “we should not call out prejudice, vilification or the destruction and genocide of a people until it has been proven to have reached the scale of the Holocaust”

That is perhaps the stupidest lesson anybody has ever taken from history, yet tragically, it is the lesson Israel itself has taken as regards others and is widespread among the Israel lobby and US right-wing fanatics like yourself

It’s literally an inversion of history and the lessons of history, and one which acts against freedom and against the dignity of people and only serves tyranny

You are setting an extremely low bar, which I think says a lot about what you tolerate

Israel itself is a highly racist society as the treatment of Ethiopian Jews shows

There are at least 65 laws in Israel that discriminate against Palestinians and Arabs

That’s literally the sort of language that Hitler used aboout the Jews

I find it incredible that you don’t see the historical echoes

Israel votes for fascist parties and fascist policies and you seem to have no problem with that - Israel’s founding was literally based on terrorism - the Haganah, the Irgum, the Stern Gang, the King David Hotel bombing and ethnic cleansing

The attitude of Palestinians who support Hamas is no different to the attitude of the Irish who objected and object to British rule, yet because of your hatred of Muslims, you somehow think its different when it isn’t

You’ve continually called for the Palestinians to be “cleansed” off their land

Now you say you’re not defending their policies

Make up your mind

And there you go again

Supporting the Palestinian cause, which isn’t just acceptable, but mandatory if you have any belief in justice or shred of human decency or empathy, is not and never will be anti-Semitism, no matter how many times you say it

The paucity of your argument is only exposed by such insane rhetoric

You have zero problems with vilification of gay people and the treatment of women like cattle by Trump and other Republicans, Boris Johnson or Vladimir Putin, so pull the other one

Sid, no one reads these, be concise. If you can’t take labane apart in two sentences you’re at nothing.


Putin is a wonderful leader, hopefully he gains control of Europe.


:smile: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I don’t give a flying shit whether you or anybody else reads them

It’s quietly satisfying that such posts irk you though

Apparently the fact that Russia desperately wants the Tories and not Labour to win is an irrelevance :laughing:

Keeping believing whatever you want to believe, sure

Trump is literally operating and supporting Russian foreign policy positions from within the White House

Corbyn has always been a peacenik - there are many far worse things to be - and that’s quite different to being a Russian asset, I’m sure you’ll agree

The Soviet European Union will be wonderful.

They don’t irk me, I just scroll past. I used like your posts, you used to be relevant.

The Taxpayers Alliance is a moneypit for far right US interests

The difference between libertarianism and fascism is paper thin, some would say and with some justification that it is in fact a revolving door

They irk you enough for you to say so

I’m by far the most relevant poster on this forum because I’m the only poster who identifies the most relevant issues of our time - well possibly @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy with SEGREGATED cycle lanes does too


It’s official - the UK press is a right-wing propaganda shit show

Sid gets it right yet again

This is how democracies die

Sidney is mad

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Treating the public and factuality with such contempt is how democracies die

The Tories have stopped pretending they have any regard for truth whstsoever and now operate a Russia-Trump-style system of propaganda

The reason @anon7035031 suddenly claims to like the Liberal Democrats suddenly makes sense

It’s the nukes, stupid

As hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.

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Crikey it really is 1983 all over again in the Labour Party.


The predictable flowchart of responses to any feedback around the flow of digital diarrhea would be quite humourous in a corporate environment.

Manager: Glad to see you’re settling into the role. Little bit of constructive feedback to your first submission. Mostly good if a little longer than required. Can you shorten everything between the 2nd and 34th paragraph? Make them a bit more concise. That would be great, thanks.
Sidney: Does my writing irk you?
Manager: It doesn’t irk me and if it did that wouldn’t be a good thing for you. Anyway, just tighten them up a little please.
Sidney: It’s so satisfying that my work bugs you so much. You couldn’t help yourself, you had to pipe up about it.
Manager: Um, are you ok?
Sidney: THIS IS AMAZING! I now own part of your tiny little brain.
Manager: O…K… I’m going to schedule a meeting with HR for tomorrow. Your attendance is mandatory. [Walks off]
Sidney: [whispers] I’m getting promoted!