UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Five years ago the Tories promised to build 200,000 “starter homes”

They built 0

The other thing to bear in mind is that telephone polls don’t usually catch anyone that works hard.

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The typical Tory demographic is those that don’t work hard

I wasn’t casting political aspersions mate, I have you to do that.

Something fishy about that poll . It is a hard plaice to understand

It’s Grimsby up north

Lads do be going to some lengths to be offended


Rachel Riley isn’t trans, mate

She’s a racist bitch.

Calling her a bitch felt very empowering.

Rachel Riley can do what she wants

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APARTHEID was the selection on Countdown the other day

One of the contestants said she had a seven letter word and nodded at Riley and said “you’ll like this one, it sums you up”


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Chicken Johnson has pulled out of the C4 debate

Pathetic, he’s afraid he’ll die in a ditch again like he did in the ITV debate

Every time he opens his mouth he costs them about a thousand votes. Prince Andrew style Gardening Leave for the rest of the campaign I’d say

I think Momentum is the problem.

The Brits can fucking burn.


There’s a serious side to the Rachel Riley story, which is that up until now I had taken the Labour “institutional racism” story very seriously.

I have English Jewish friends who are hard-core Corbynistas and told me it was a load of bollocks but I didn’t understand how people like Rachel Riley could be so serious about the issue if it wasn’t real.

I was thinking this week about Tassotti’s long post explaining institutional racism but I couldn’t see how Labour consistently produced more anti-semitic outcomes than the Conservatives. I didn’t want to post about it because I didn’t really come to a proper conclusion.

Having seen that cunt post that photo, that’s the end of the Labour anti-semitism story, it’s fucking bollocks. I’m going to be very kind to Rachel Riley, give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s just fucking mental. Peeps be cray cray.


Do you write any of your own material?

In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. We expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Students, whose president faces a smear campaign coordinated by her own deputy and supported by the Israel Embassy.

In part two of The Lobby, our undercover reporter joins a delegation from the Israeli Embassy at last year’s Labour Party Conference. The programme reveals how accusations of anti-Semitism were made against key Labour Party members – and how a former official at the Israeli Embassy was upset when her background was revealed.

In part three of The Lobby, our undercover reporter travels to the Labour Party Conference, revealing how accusations of anti-Semitism by group within Labour targeted Israel critics and saw some investigated.

In part four of The Lobby, the senior political officer at the Israeli Embassy in London discusses a potential plot to ‘take down’ British politicians – including a Minster of State at the Foreign office who supports Palestinian civil rights.