UK general election 2019 - corbinned

You live in America

What were you doing up at 2:33 am on a Thursday morning


The callous Priti Patel strikes again

And the Tory-loving BBC protect her by deleting their tweet featuring this video in which she says the Tories have nothing to do with poverty

Patel can never hide her utter hatred of poor people

Sadism is an integral part of mainstream far right ideology like hers

She’s also blocked the return of British orphans and unaccompanied minors from Syria

I hear she’ll be playing Scrooge in A Christmas Carol this year, without the redemption bit at the end

jezza facing a countdown conundrum

I see Rachel Riley is a racist now

Hates the blacks

Proof that you can get 973 with six small numbers and still be as thick as shit

Rachel facing the job centre

Swinson getting savaged by the media which is either tory propaganda (the usual suspects and the BBC who row in behind whoever happens to be currently in power as they have the licence fee twitched at them), or labour propaganda.
Swinson has produced a fair an reasonable set of sensible proposals.
The country has been run by the media for two generations near enough.
Politicians are cowards by and large.

She’ll damn well use nuclear weapons, she herself said so

Fair and reasonable

mr fineshtine makes a very good point

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Abhorrent and all as she is she didn’t actually blame the poor there.

I have a 100% record of voting Labour in General Elections.

No he doesn’t. He’s desperately scrabbling around for summat to be outraged about.

Looks like it’s done and dusted

Just saw that. Usual discussion about polling etc will ensue but if that comes through, then Boris has it in the bag

great work by the remain side there, pulling back over 7% of the vote, they can achieve more in the next couple of weeks. very heartening to see.

Most interesting is the change from 2017 - Cons holding steady but Labour leaking to Brexit Party. Still a couple of weeks out but a momentum change is needed sharpish enough from Labour

Caveat - it’s a heavy fishing constituency so at not be representative of overall trend

You would hope an aberration and/or polling method skewed but it looks to be a disaster for Remain.

Sidney will he alone to fluff but the ludicrous nature of Corbyn’s Brexit policy has been laid bare. You can accept that he has got a bad hand in the north this time out with the BXP running, but he has not done any favours for himself. The gradual dilution of his position on a CU first and more recently FOM, seems to have lost him a lot of that working class Labour vote. Whatever about taking those positions, at least go the full hog and say you want to Remain and/or put May/Johnson’s deal to a vote. The policy is all over the place, its between him keeping alive the dream of getting out from under certain Single Market rules and on the other it is his pick and choose attitude to absolute democracy. He is not trusted by hard core Remainers.

He got lucky in 2017 (as well as running a good campaign), but that may have run out.

The Tories want to turn Britain into Russia with their disinformation campaign and there are some eejits here very happy about that

They have past form too for it - just look at @Tim_Riggins, who supports Russian style disinformation tactics

Sad to see somebody hate democracy so much