UK general election 2019 - corbinned

It’s really easy to understand

He’s remaining neutral

That is a position - he remains neutral and the people decide

That respects both Leavers and Remainers

It’s the only principled position and the only position in which a PM can remain an honest broker

It’s exactly what Wilson did in 1975

Do you teach your children that lying is bad, Mr. Johnson?

Fiona Bruce is rattled here

She’s desperately trying to take the heat off Johnson by taking multiple questions at a time so the immediacy and effect of the questions is dispelled

That way Johnson gets more chance to bluff and bluster while people forget the question

You have to pin him on one question

Jesus this is car crash

He’s so bad

Bruce did it again

She allowed Johnson evade the Russia question again by waffling

This is shameful moderating

The following question has just been asked of the prime minister of great britain on the BBC

“Do you not think bum boys is offensive”

What a time to be alive :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Couldn’t be clearer to be fair but if you need further explanation here is the Labour MP for Hartlepool to clarify any confusion

Hard to argue with that

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I see you’ve discovered the Overton window, you have however a fundamental misunderstanding of it.

Politicians do not “move” the Overton window, and any that try generally end up in the dustbin of history. Politicians try and detect where the Oberton window is and formulate their policies to be in accordance with it. The myth about Trump is that he moved the Overton window to the right, this is completely false, he tapped into what large swathes of American working and lower middle class voters already believed, that globalization (mainly outsourcing, but also unfair trade deals and no censure of countries that flagrantly broke the rules like China) and lax immigration laws were the direct cause of the destruction of decent jobs with upward mobility and downward pressure on wages of service jobs.
Whether this is accurate or not is irrelevant, it is what they believe.

It’s all a bit irrelevant anyway as the Overton window has been smashed and we are living outside it. In the US and increasingly in the UK and Europe there is no longer a center, which essentially means no consensus and nothing can get done politically. The two primary reasons for the collapse of the Overton window are the Internet which gives easy access to justification for every possible position on everything, and the finanical collapse in 2008 which brought an end to the global model of prosperity, ending the American dream for a whole generation for example.

Somebody has to reclaim the center or rather rebuild the center. Incremental change is the only thing that has ever worked in politics. Democrats in the US and Labour in the UK should be the ones leading this effort, but are really struggling to gain traction with the public. You mentioned infrastructure projects in the US (badly needed), but Democrats have had control over the House since 2018 and have advanced zero proposals on infrastructure, and that’s where it has to come from, Congress is in charge of spending. They won’t do it because their sole focus is trying to remove Trump (even though they can’t, at least until Nov 2020). Meanwile Trump’s popularity is rising again and support for impeachment starting to fade.

Left of center politicians are their own worst enemies. If they actually focussed on what most people care about rather than the “uuuge” issues they and sometimes they alone see, there is an opportunity to reclaim the center. Attacking everyone who is moderate or centrist as a “Russian agent” doesn’t help either.

Trump absolutely did move the Overton window. The Republicans have been moving it for years.

Racism is latent in people - it’s a bit like your liking for rape, actually. It’s like original sin, it’s always there, just waiting to be tapped into. As long as it’s not tapped into, it won’t be a major issue. When it is, it’s a disaster and very difficult to combat.

Hitler aroused that dormant racism, so has Trump.

You can now be openly anti-Semitic, openly racist against anyone else, and openly lie in Putin-esque, turn reality literally upside down manner.

And all that was done by Trump. He made that possible.

The Tories are adopting the exact same tactics.

Trump is the president, he promised infrastructure, he has completely failed to deliver anything, he has completely failed.

And you blame the Democrats. Well, you would, wouldn’t you. Deary fucking me.

Hiding away

No rep on Newsnight
Won’t be interviewed by Channel 4
Johnson won’t do the Channel 4 debate after previously agreeing
Javid won’t debate McDonnell after saying he would


Looks like the two boys are settling in for another Friday night of it. You’d have to admire them really in their own mental way



This the actual voice of a real person with real life experience, the type that don’t matter to Tories, never have, never will.

And when Johnson is confronted with people who aren’t privileged Bullingdon boys or their supine, grovelling ilk who will laugh along with his privileged bullshit, he’s completely fucking stumped.

I’m off to the pub shortly for my traditional Friday night outing cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, so will leave Sid to his one way conversations.

There you go again, racist, racist racist, rapist, rapist, rapist, Russia,Russia, Russia… Give Rachel a rest for a few nights mate, she has driven you demented. I have to admit citing original sin is pretty interesting from an atheist though.

Democrats are 100% to blame for Trump, losing touch with the US working class (actually ignoring them completely, or even mocking them as deplorables), being the biggest cheerleaders for globalization, etc. They became the party of the rich coastal elites and it cost them. Hopefully they can win them back.

Anyway, have a great night, I plan to.

You need to stop blaming others for things you bring up - whatever happened to personal responsibility? :grinning:

You have a terrible tendency to do that - and you live it out vicariously through Trump as well - sure of course, the Democrats are to blame for literally everything.

Have a read over what you said there - you say the Democrats let down the working class, and then when candidates who will actually do stuff for the working class come along, you tell us they’re “far left nutcases” and demand a candidate who will do nothing for the working class.

That right there is the words of a shameless Republican mouthpiece.

The cognitive dissonance is hilarious but then it has always been thus with terminally dishonest right-wing extremists.

The working class are interested in good paying jobs, investment in US businesses to create jobs, pushing back on globalization and unfair trade practices (in particular China), opportunities for growth, living in a safe environment, secure borders. They are less interested in the rights of illigals, legalizing drugs, the rights of criminals, the right of a biological male to share a female bathroom, biological males running in female races, etc. That’s the sort of attempted moving if the Overton window that is counter productive.

Which Democratic candidates are focussed on these issues? How much time was spent on Wednesday night’s debates on the US economy?

Well, you claim to support a Democratic candidate, thoiugh nobody believes that

So why don’t you tell me

Yet whenever any of that candidate’s policies or utterances were brought up here, they contradicted yours

Warren and Sanders’ platforms are squarely aimed at the working class - they offer real change

You claim they are extremists which says a lot about the extremist mindset you are in

I think some of the things you list there are really interesting and illustrative, this stuff really occupies your mind in a really bad way, I’ve no idea why rights for immigrants or trans people irk you so much, except for bigotry

And that is Trump’s base and what motivates them - bigotry

It ain’t Democrats who vote on identity politics lines - it’s Republicans - on the denial of rights to minorities and the protection of the exalted status of the white race

Bigots in other words

The Tories are rapidly running down that same rabbit hole

You go on about

This seems to be the real account of a Tory political consultant

Surely, surely, surely it can’t be :laughing:

Russia at least tries to put some sort of faint plausibility into its surreal absurdities

This is like some sort of alternative reality performance art