UK general election 2019 - corbinned

It’s interesting you still keep interjecting with meaningless buzz phrases to make up for your total lack of anything insightful to say

But carry on

Brexit was always about giving up control

The lies of the Tories now about the NHS are straight from the same page as the liars who before the referendum said the UK would retain access to the single market and customs union after Brexit

Shameless lies

Good thread

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And Theo Usherwood is very hostile to Labour

The BBC’s news department has lost a massive amount of credibility

It is allowing itself to be completely compromised in the service of the Tories

That is a tragedy because the BBC should be a vital institution in tems of preserving British democracy

Johnson is an embarrassment - he’s completely hiding himself away from scrutiny - that is not good enough for a PM

There is absolutely no doubt the US health system is a shit show unless you are wealthy and the NHS is much much better for ordinary people and giving the US access to it, will absolutely destroy it.
However, to be fair, the statement “generic drugs are cheaper in the US than the UK” has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the rest of the rant he’s just gone off on.


He went off on his “rant” (I’d call it a truth bomb) because Gladwell was on the BBC’s “Politics Live” talking shit against the backdrop of the NHS being under threat

Is the statement true though? Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the argument so I’m not sure why he’s taking issue with it in particular

The statement from Gladwell is clearly intended to lead the listener into thinking that drug prices in the US are cheaper to the ordinary person than they are in the UK

They aren’t

And why would the US want to change the terms of trade regarding selling drugs to the UK if it wasn’t to increase prices?

That’s exactly what they want to do

Is the statement true?

I don’t know, and the answer is irrelevant because what matters is how much the average person in the street pays and how much the NHS as a whole pays

Opening up the NHS to US trade talks will increase that

The point is that the statement is intended to mislead by steering the listener away from the pertinent facts and down a rabbit hole of irrelevancy

The opaque US health system makes it hard to draw drug-by-drug comparisons with prices abroad. But the OECD estimates that the US spent about 47 per cent more per capita on prescription drugs than Canada in 2018 and 160 per cent more than the UK.

I had just posted before that Corbyn is unfortunate in the standards expected of him by voters vs Johnson (who gets away with it) as well, but carry on shrieking one way.

Another alt-right buzzword

Buzz, buzz, buzz

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That’s fine but nothing to do with his statement

Do you actually expect Sidney to substantiate a point here?

He might find someone on twitter who can articulate an argument and put it up for us

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It’s been a busy day for him on Twitter finding out why Malcom Gladwell has been “talking shit” about the NHS. A fountain of knowledge on pharma.

So who pays more, US or UK consumers?

Did he say anything about that

To be fair it would only be normal for Gladwell

But sure thankfully you’re here to put us right that the NHS is inferior to US healthcare

As you say yourself, a fountain of knowledge