UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Proper order.

Lame effort. You are turning into the man you love

Boris Johnson :heavy_check_mark: @BorisJohnson

Parliament & Jeremy Corbyn have blocked everything — we need a new Parliament so we can #GetBrexitDone and the country can #MoveOn to focus on the cost of living, NHS, clean energy, violent crime and higher pay #BritainDeservesBetter


19:22 - 29 Oct 2019

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Right on cue

I think if the polls show a Corbyn getting too close too early the voters will swing back to the Tories to prevent a hung parliament. Corbyn’s only hope is a sneaky late surge at the last moment that’s too late for the polls to detect and no one sees coming.

It’s a bit like when Ireland scored early on vs France at Euro 2016 and everyone thought “oh shit, they’ve scored too early.”

Oh dear

Joseph McCann, who has been convicted of a horrific series of rapes and kidnappings against 11 women and children, was freed in error to commit his crimes after authorities failed to realise he should have been in jail for a previous violent offence.

McCann, 34, was found guilty on Friday at the Old Bailey of all 37 counts after attacking 11 women and children and could face a life sentence.

He raped eight victims, including an 11-year-old boy and a 71-year-old woman, during a fortnight-long rampage earlier this year that stretched from London to Cheshire. The boy aged 11 and his sister were attacked in front of each other in their own home.

After the unanimous jury verdicts, there were immediate calls for an inquiry into how McCann had been freed despite being subject to an imprisonment for public protection (IPP) sentence. This sentence, for a burglary armed with a knife in 2008, should have resulted in his recall to prison after a new conviction for burglary and theft in 2017.

Probation and parole experts said McCann’s mistaken release earlier this year came against the background of austerity-driven cuts to the justice system.

The Ministry of Justice said the south-east and eastern division of the probation service was to blame for the error. That division has the highest workload in the service, according to a September report by the Inspectorate of Probation. Furthermore, “over half of the responsible officers” spoken to by inspectors revealed “their workloads were unmanageable”.

After an internal investigation, the MoJ said one staff member had been demoted.

The chief executive of HM Prisons and Probation Service, Jo Farrar, apologised for failings.

“We recognise that there were failings and we apologise unreservedly for our part in this. We are committed to doing everything we possibly can to learn from this terrible case,” she said.

Labour’s policing spokeswoman, Louise Haigh, said a “perfect storm” of cuts to the police, probation and judicial systems had led to McCann’s release.

Terrorists and rapists freed to roam the streets. Must be the EUs fault or something

Johnson is like a talking doll repeating the same line over and over and over again here

Goebbels said the key to propaganda is repetition

I think even Goebbels would have drawn the line at this amount of repetition

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Get Brexit Done, Burmuda triangle, Oven ready blah blah, the @tallback’s and @iron_mike’s of the world lapping it up

Only one winner tonight.

It’s actually quite alarming how Boris could be so bad.

@Sidney & @Lazarus are having wonderful campaigns.


And all that money that was spent on his education

You can’t buy intelligence

@balbec has lost control of his dressing room. Only one winner from here

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Great question, Boris stuttering badly

Johnson looks like he’s on a Blockbusters set - he’s so bad he’ll be asking for a p soon just to get off set

Any Blockbusters contestant would make a better PM

I can’t believe what I’ve just watched.

A wee thought experiment - if Johnson and his “charismatic personality” was Labour and Corbyn was Tory, you can only imagine how Johnson would be savaged by the Tory press

They’d be calling him the most shambolic party leader in British history, and they’d be right

Corbyn would be hailed as magisterial in his statesmanlike demeanour

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Were ye watching a different debate?


Alexandra Phillips. Up to her absolute neck in it with Cambridge Analytica and an MEP. A case study in everything that is wrong with modern politics. That said I still just about probably would though