UK general election 2019 - corbinned

@Tim_Riggins’s defence of the biased media continues

The narrative, the narrative

Protect the team

In fairness, things have changed since then. He styled himself as a progressive Tory then.

Yeah, Channel 4 are the problem with the UK media, or something


Sidney all over the place again and making things up.

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For years you’ve been on here claiming that media has a left-wing bias

I guess that fake narrative has become hard to sustain so you look to deflect at any opportunity

I’ve said that the UK media are terrible all around.

Where as once upon a time you would laugh at people complaining about the BBC, now you’re the biggest cry baby of them all.

Stop making things up about me.

I happen to think that Channel 4 are one of the very good media outlets in the UK, however that is still a bad look for them. It doesn’t do them any favours, nor does you pointing the finger elsewhere.

I leave the making up stuff to you, pal

Keep projecting though

Is he bringing Edwina Currie with him?

Boris Johnson has this lunchtime rejected the claims contained in a new leaked Treasury analysis of the impact on Northern Ireland of his new Brexit deal.

In characteristic Mr Johnson style, he also admitted he hasn’t read it.

Notwithstanding those two things, the new leak of an internal government presentation from Labour may be the most significant document to enter the public domain during this campaign, and perhaps the most important leak since “Yellowhammer” no-deal planning documents - even if it does not change a single result in next week’s election.

The most controversial element of the prime minister’s revised Brexit deal, struck in mid-October, relates to Northern Ireland. This leaves Ulster tied closer to the rest of the European Union than the rest of the United Kingdom.

However, the exact nature of those ties - and the consequences both for citizens and businesses in Northern Ireland that flow from them - have been shrouded in mystery and confusion.

The uncertainty revolves around two big questions. Firstly, does the deal weaken the bonds of the United Kingdom in such a way that could fracture the union? Secondly, does the revised Brexit deal have negative economic consequences for Northern Ireland?

Today a new leaked Treasury analysis suggests that the civil service answer to both of those questions is - unambiguously - yes.

The 15-page leaked document, entitled “NI Protocol: Unfettered access to the UKIM” (internal market), contains one bombshell and pages of damning analysis.

It reveals for the first time that not only will there be customs declarations on goods going from Northern Ireland to Great Britain - something that Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay confirmed but Boris Johnson denies - but also there may be checks for goods going in the other direction, from the British mainland to Northern Ireland. This is a further new significant border in the Irish Sea which the DUP will recoil from.

The impact on the Northern Ireland economy could be devastating, this suggests. It claims 98% of Northern Ireland export businesses are “likely to struggle to bear this cost” of customs declarations and documentary and physical checks on goods going within the United Kingdom.

This will hurt citizens, it says. High street prices are likely to rise, as is unemployment in the retail sector. The additional burden for Northern Ireland business is the financial equivalent to increasing tariffs to 30%.

The Treasury document is damning on the impact on the fabric of the Union. It says it means that Northern Ireland is separated “in practice from whole swathes of the UK’s internal market” and this means the “economic union” is “undermined”.

In a move likely to be noted in Scotland, where the SNP are on course to take more seats in this election and renew their push for independence, it adds the different arrangements will mean a “precedent set for the different treatment for constituent parts of the United Kingdom”.

The people of Great Britain rarely seem to vote on Northern Irish matters. The fact that Northern Ireland has not had a functioning devolved administration for over two years has barely featured in the British conversation about the election, even if it rightly dominates in Belfast.

They have separate political parties, meaning that Westminster politicians feel little electoral pressure about what happens in our own country on the other side of the Irish Sea. So however significant the documents today are, it may well not change many votes in next week’s general election.

Superb. Have a vague memory of watching this. Boris disciples @tallback and @balbec etc doing their own fine impersinations of peppa pig here today I see

Ye can babble away for the next week. The Red Wall is breached.

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They think politics should be about snouts at the trough

It’s interesting that we don’t get many posters actually trying to put across a right-wing view here

That’s because it’s impossible to do that these days without resorting to cheap trolling and/or abhorrent views coming out in the wash

Boris Johnson knows that too

Politics these days isn’t even about left and right, it’s about right and wrong, and we all know the right is wrong on everything, both objectively and morally, which is why it relies on industrial levels of reality-inverting bullshit and useful idiots on this forum who can’t actually argue a point, but they sure can type a pointless one line post

They know who they are

@tallback is the latest and mose cynical offender. ‘I’m not a Boris supporter BUT’’ ‘‘I’m not a reactionary Conservative BUT’’ ‘‘I’m not a right wing nutjob like @balbec BUT’’
Why don’t these lads at least have the balls to just come out and admit what they are

At least you didn’t call me a fascist. Cheers pal.

A dead giveaway is when they say things like “you call everybody fascist”

Another dead giveaway is the focussing on rare mistakes rather than constant lies

C4 made an honest mistake this morning and corrected swiftly, notwthstanding that “people of talent” is itself a dog whistle because it implies that people of colour don’t fall into this category

The usual suspects instantly pounce on that and consistently ignore the consistent lies of Johnson, which shows how mych they give a damn about truth

This technique is used all the time as regards US politics too

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Simple enough fellas I’d say. The type who respond entusiastically to corny catchphrases ,Take back control, Get Brexit Done, Make America great again.
These lads are the backbone of the modern world

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Ye’re taking this very badly lads. Chin up, there’s still a week to go.

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