UK general election 2019 - corbinned

This mate, is fact. Just because Sidney doesn’t like it doesn’t make it untrue.

Jeff is really a Tory. He just won’t admit it.

Well, if he earns under 80k he won’t be paying any extra income tax

If he earns above 80k he’ll have to pay a little bit more based on his income

Also if he earns more than 80k, he’s loaded, and a whinging twat

So either way I have zero sympathy for him

What does he think that people who work in large global organizations do? Does he think everyone is a blue collar worker on a assembly line, inspecting Corn Flakes?

You do often find that with these people, that they were always Tories

Jeff’s version of a dodgy childhood haircut was tattooing mufc on his arm himself with a compass. He’s no tory boy.

Okay that’s fine, that’s your view. I think that’s very naive personally but how and ever.

I thought it bizarre that you were so confident that he couldn’t have been earning that kind of money.

Funny you mention flakes because Jeff certainly seems to be quite the snowflake

Sid has no idea. He makes stuff up, and spends every waking hour scouring the www for any obscure source to back him up.
He’s like an odd half forgotten minor twig of fox news.


“these people” :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:
Are you one of the Rees moggs?

What’s naive about it?

Naive is the eejit who was on Question Time recently earning over 80k who thought he wasn’t in the top 50% of earners

Labour’s manifesto is far more pro-business than the Tory one

The best thing for business is a working class which isn’t living hand to mouth like the Tories want

That’s where the Anglo-American model has failed spectacularly - it doesn’t understand the basic truth that greater equality benefits business because people have more to spend, and that continual tax cuts for the rich only serve the rich, they don’t create jobs and they don’t cause a trickle down

Well you said basically that people over £80k are all loaded. That is very misguided.

Doubt vey much this lad is earning 80k

They are though

There are 31.4 million income tax payers in the UK

85% of income tax payers in the UK earn less than £50,000

96% of income tax payers in the UK earn less than £100,000

So work out where somebody earning 80k is on the ladder - they are close to the top in terms of the highest percentage brackets of income earners

That’s loaded in any reasonable person’s language

You’d hardly expect somebody drawing MUFC on their arm with a compass to understand the tax system

He just doesn’t get the point

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The classic @Sidney sneering contempt for anyone who does a bit of actual work. Such egalitarianism.


Show exactly where that is, mate

Where’s your evidence

Otherwise I’ll just have to presume that you’re just seething because I’m winning the argument here

Weren’t the Kellogs sexual deviants?

Now this is sneering

I’d prefer Angela Rayner by the way because she has a thorough understanding of the difficulties faced by working class kids in terms of getting an education - she was one herself, after all

Williamson on the other hand is one of the most sneering cunts ever to blight British politics

Well that seals it