UK general election 2019 - corbinned

My mother was a secondary teacher

I shared beds with primary teachers

I also have a university degree

I am the standout candidate for Minister for Education in the next Fine Gael government, at least according to right-wing ideology

I couldn’t say I’m that familiar with them :man_shrugging:t2:

No wonder they came up with the idea for All Bran

Well now

There was another poll yesterday which showed a four point movement to Labour as well

It’s the hope that gets you

What’s interesting there is:

The December 2/3 poll showed the margin being 42-32

If ComRes are retaining their December 2/3 results as part of this latest poll, how has it moved four points - if the December 4/5 data moved it that far and it was weighted equally, it would have had to show 42-40 on those dates

Has there been a sudden big move over the last few days?

Let’s wait and see

The far left view of the world is based on envy, they hate anyone who is successful or “loaded”. These evil loaded people are the reason why poor people are poor and low income workers earn less than they deserve. In the ideal world of the far left everyone should earn the same, those on the dole, the bin men, doctors and entrepreneurs.

“The Labour maifesto is pro business” is a classic though, you would imagine if this were true business owners small and large would be embracing it. Increasing corporate tax rates (well above Nordic countries who apparently are the gold standard), eliminating R&D credits, increasing taxes on small business owners, etc. are not pro business and will have the impact of multinationals fleeing the UK and going elsewhere and entrepreneurs not bothering.

If you want to look for a pro business model, look to the US and Ireland, two economies that are growing and reward entrepreneurs for setting up businesses and growing them. You know, the people that actually employ the working class. In the far left view of the world you need to punish and disinventivize these people for daring to earn more than lads on the dole. There’s no need for such people, the gubberment (manned by simpletons) will step in and take their place.

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Britain reallly needs a PM who did two A levels and achieved an E grade in both.

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What Britain needs is a PM who wants to run government for the benefit of all society, not the rich asset strippers at the top

Which is obviously Corbyn

That post was classic right wing sneering

In terms of “envy”, and begrudgery, it’s notable that right-wingers seem to obsess theemselves constantly that people at the lower socio-economic end of the spectrum shouldn’t have to live Dickensian existences

In terms of envy, and begrudgery, it’s notable that proponents of the Anglo-American model believe that the majority of people who do the work in society should not get a fair wage and fair labour rights, and that the profits should accrue to those at the very top

There is no debate that a prosperous, egalitarian model is best for society, and that’s what Labour offers

All measures of well-being of populations internationally prove this

The Anglo-American model has completely failed in this regard

The Tories only offer more cuts, moe austerity, and Brexit, which you specifically supported, and which will be a disaster for business, especially the crackpot Tory Brexit promised

It’s hilarious that the likes of you continue to defend all that, it would be hilarious if it didn’t have such disastrous consequences for so many people

It’s the equivalent of defending the idea of the four man diamond midfield against Denmark in a World Cup play off

It’s defending a failed idea

Probably add a 0 to that. @flattythehurdler doesn’t know any poor people.

There’s an example of sneering, @Raylan, I know you claim to hate that sort of thing, even though you are yourself one of the most sneering and miserable posters here

I enjoyed that post @balbec

A bit of sneering is no harm when it’s done in the right spirit

We can all unite behind that. It’s the tfk way.


Can you field this one please @anon7035031

Jeff sound more like a porridge guy than crunchy nut corn flakes to me

He probably makes it with milk too the flash bastard.

Utter nonsense.

Workers get paid based on the skills they have and the demand for the jobs they can fill. If somebody doesn’t bother their hole getting an education and develop job skills, it’s nobody’s fault other than their own that they are at the bottom of the ladder. If they want to climb up the ladder then get a relevant education and develop some relevant job skills, there is huge investment in such programs in most modern democracies. The problem isn’t lack of opportunity, the problem is lack of motivation and people who expect a fair wage for doing nothing.

The average working wage in the US for non professionals is now $23 an hour, more than twice the minimum wage. Friday’s job report was excellent, 266K jobs added, wages rising and rising disproportionatly for low income workers. Unemployment is at 3.5%, essentially everyone who wants a job can get one.

Yet you think this model has failed. Compared to what? France where unemployment is 10%, business is stagnant (unsurprising they have the highest rate of corporate tax in the EU), wages are stagnant, and rioting in the streets every weekend.

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23/30 I thought that was poor but Sky are telling me I am one to watch.

What are non professionals?

People who are not “loaded”, so excluding higher earners. If you include higher earners the average hourly rate in the US is $28.

To label someone who gets paid to do a job as non professional sounds a bit odd to me