UK general election 2019 - corbinned

He was a Tory advisor, that’s a given

Putin is some man. He’s the whole world bought off

The rich are now persecuted by Corbyn like victims of Stalinist terror, or something

The whole of right-wing bullshit machine lost its collective shit when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez correctly said that Trump was operating concentration camps

Now they’re saying that Corbyn is Stalin

I suppose by the Daily Telgraph’s own standards and logic they’re pointing their fingers at individuals with a relish and a vindictiveness not seen since Hitler gassed the Jews

He single handedly caused climate change too dont forget

We’ve seen this movie before

Moggy alright d listed I see and campaigning hasn’t even started :grinning:

Another Tory front bencher is in the news

Boris “fuck business” Johnson getting away with this is hilarious.


Lose an election or anything really… Russian interference. A couple of hundred Russian lads posting shit on the internet, bit like a couple of serious weirdos here. Handy excuse to roll out though.


The Stalinist English postal workers are going on strike and refuse to deliver postal voting papers. That’s political interference.

Quisling @balbec wont be happy here – Destroyed by Kay Burley :grinning:

Any good Rom Com on Netflix tonight Hun?

Get new material — I’m strictly an IPTV man.

Hipster facists like @Enrique with nothing to say but a spectacular and unfailing feeling of entitlement to say that nothing is so 2019

If anything symbolises the dumbing down of society its lads like him

Bad Boys is up on Netflix bro, a much underappreciated gem.

Kong Skull Island is also there, John C Reillys crowning moment.

Last night then

The Tories could well fuck this away yet. Their record is shit, their policies are shit, their candidates are shit. It’s actually possible that Russia and the right wing media may not be enough to swing the election for them this time.

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Surprised at this gven the Tories’ whole raison d’etre (reason for existence, if don’t like foreign laguages) is to rape and pillage British society

If labour had gotten rid of Corbs they’d walk this