UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Have a read through who makes up their front bench

Every single one of them is a calamity

They’re now trying to make the awful Priti Patel the face of their campaign, which says it all

Johnson has just made a speech in Downing Street launching the Tory election campaign

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Maddow is in a different league


@balbec getting a kicking :grinning:

It’s like watching a slow bicycle race as to who can fuck it away more.

The right wing media would like you to believe that alright.

Look mate whatever way you lean politically you have to admit Corbyn has been shit. No inroads against the probably the worst Tory government of all time, and almost certainly the weakest, and flip flopping on Brexit to the point the Lib Dem’s the party of Beige look like the principled ones


And he hates Jews for some reason

Have the Liberal Democrats flip flopped on Brexit?

Have the Tories?

Can you explain exactly how Labour have flip flopped on Brexit?

Which of the three main parties has the most sensible position on Brexit, in your view?

Flesh that out there

No one ever fleshes this stuff out

I wonder why that is :thinking:

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Take it up with the Jews mate

As one of the oldest socialist societies affiliated to Labour, the group regularly sent out activists to support candidates across the country before voters went to the polls.

However, for what is believed to be the first time in its 100-year history, it will not organise members to head out to constituencies and instead only support “exceptional candidates”, such as its parliamentary chair, Ruth Smeeth, and other MPs it views as having been supportive.

A statement released by the organisation said: “We will not be campaigning unless in exceptional circumstances and for exceptional candidates, like our parliamentary chair Ruth Smeeth, and members of the parliamentary Labour party who’ve been unwavering in their support of us. We will not be giving endorsements to candidates in non-Labour-held seats.”

JLM credits its campaigning work as securing Labour wins in Bury South in 2017 and 2015, Leeds North West in 2017, holding Hampstead and Kilburn in 2015 and winning Hornsey back in 2015 from the Liberal Democrat minister Lynne Featherstone.

The organisation, which has 2,500 members, blames the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, for allowing a “culture of antisemitism to emerge and fester” within the party.

You didn’t flesh out what I asked you to flesh out

You obviously have an opinion, the least you could do is have concrete examples to back up your theory

The JLM is not a neutral group, it is affiliated to Israel and is a lobby group for Israel, it adopts the Jewish terminology to associate Jews with Israel, which is an anti-Semitic trope in itself

I can help you out with concrete examples of anti-Semitism in the Labour party, interestingly enough the ones that are in the public record seem to mainly be against Corbyn supporters

I guess that doesn’t suit the narrative that you’ve bought into

Take the recent departure of Louise Ellman from the party

What were concrete examples of anti-Semitism by Labour members against her

To the best of my knowledge, none have come out

Ellman supports the targetted assassinations of Palestinian leaders and was one of the most extreme warmongers around the war in Iraq

Is the Labour party a neutral group?

Again, you can’t answer the question that was asked

Here’s a concrete example of anti-Semitism within the Labour party

Siobhan McDonagh from earlier this year

McDonagh said anti - semitism is a problem in the Labour Party, because “part of [Labour Party] politics, of hard left politics, [is] to be against capitalists and to see Jewish people as the financiers of capital.” She went on to say “'In other words to be anti - capitalist you have to be antisemitic.”

Wow, anti-capitalists are now automatically anti–Semitic

Do you see a problem here?

Now, Siobhan McDonagh is strongly anti-Corbyn

What she said there was actually anti-Semitic, highly so, but she is a supporter of Israel and strongly anti-Corbyn, so her anti-Semtism is airbrushed from history

The so called anti-Semitism problem in Labour - the one which supposedly only exists among supporters of Corbyn and not among the supposed anti-anti-Semites - is a manufactured crisis which started from day one because Corbyn supports the cause of the Palestinian people

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You could answer my other questions there while you’re at it, given that you’re obviously incapable of answering the one you replied to with newspaper links

You do it to yourself, you do, and that’s what really hurts @Julio_Geordio


You are implying that Boris’s stance on Brexit has been more dependable and honest than Jeremy Corbyns?