UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Dublin is in Ireland, not the UK, mate

Your knowledge of Irish geography is very poor

Typical Yank, extremely insular

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The political editor of the BBC doesn’t care about the law

Postal votes are always shit for Labour anyway, old people use them

The far right are in full panic mode and now circling the wagons

He’s like that Aussie TV anchorman who asked incredulously why Ireland wasn’t part of the UK

An imperialist to his marrow

He would have agreed with the queen that time when she blockaded ships full of food destined for these shores from other countries during the famine. The Irish must have had no personal responsibility back then going around starving to death and stuff

I lost family members to the famine mate.

Your mate’s family were the one’s shipping food out of Ireland.

Your apology is accepted.


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Literally everything that comes out of the mouths of the Tories and Tory media should be treated as a lie unless explicity proved otherwise

I wouldn’t trust them to tell me the right time of day

Proven liars and proven cowards, no wonder they have so many supporters on here

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I think brexit is still the main issue tbh, but the austerity has definitely taken more prominence as time has gone on. Nobody really believes the spending pledges of either party, and anyone sensible despises the current front bench pretty much lock stock and barrel. Whatever way you slice it, however, the tories greatest assets are corbyn, mcdonnell and momentum. Left leaning centrists and even traditional Labour voters just don’t like them. There is a swathe of the population with poorish, certainly working class roots who, whilst not wealthy, have done OK, and they are deeply suspicious of them. That’s just how it is amongst the people I talk to about it.
The election could go any way, but the campaign has gone badly for the tories, worse for boris, and he’s lucky that its voting day.

Biased Behind Conservatives

Tories spreading fake news yet again

Guido Fawkes is the UK equivalent of the National Enquirer

I think we need a tfk exit type poll for those of us planning to vote tomorrow . I was going to vote lib dems but im gonna go labour now. I dont like Corbyn, but I despise that clown Johnson.


Peter Oborne is a man of tremendous moral clarity

Steve Coogan is skewering the Tories on C4 News

“Alan Partidge is ill informed and ignorant and therefore he’s a Conservative and a Brexiteer”

“The reason the Tories don’t invest as much money in education is because they depend on a certain level of ignorance for their support”

Our local Labour MP is a great woman and grew up in the area too. She’ll be getting my vote.

YouGov MRP seat estimate by date

This is starting to look positive for labour.

If I was a Tory, big red warning lights would be flashing in front of me around about now

This is on