UK general election 2019 - corbinned

I voted for Jo swinson and her quite wonderful bosom. Our local libdem candidate is as effectual as a haddock, but those boobs. My my.


Labour definitely closing turnout among younger and new voters could be crucial is it Sunderland North? that declares first usually by 11pm.

Get the snacks in tomorrow night lads. Pizza, wings and beer

The exit poll in 2017 was bang on will be interesting to see what it is once Big Ben chimes at 10pm

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Problem as I see it is that any other than a rout of labour will have them squealing victory for corbyn when, in fact, if a labour party cannot win an overall majority over the pack of cunts in the current government then the leadership should be hung out to dry.


Houghton and Sunderland South I think was first last time

It used to be just Sunderland South, it’s nearly always first to declare, certainly has been as long as I remember, Chris Mullin of Birmingham Six fame was first in in 1992 from memory

I’d say it’ll be a Newcastle-Sunderland race with Sunderland winning

Swindon usually declares pretty early too

For election nerds, the theme tune “Arthur” is back on the BBC for the first time since 2005

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That’s a very shallow analysis

I think two elections without becoming PM is probably enough for any party leader, but UK politics has changed massively and Brexit has changed it even more massively

Those red wall constituencies are aging in terms of demographics and aging demographics means Tories

The Pandora’s Box of white English “nationalism” is out of the bottle - Brexit has released it and Johnson has inhaled its contents

The next leader of the Labour party will not be a Blairite and anyway a Blairite would not be winning this election, Blairism and centrism is dead

The next leader will be somebody like Angela Rayner or Rebecca Long-Bailey, McDonnell might have a chance but the party might want to move on in terms of personnel, if there’s a leadership election in the near future I think it will be Rayner, she has been very impressive in recent days

FAO of anybody who wants to see their face on television:

Wait for Leo Varadkar to release his no doubt brain dead cliche before the Irish election and hang around whichever town centre is nearest to you in a gormless manner and wait for the TV vox poppers to arrive

Recite said cliche and Bob’s yer uncle, you’re on the d’telly

TV vox poppers don’t give a representative sample of who they talk to - they wait for somebody to recite the preconceived narrative they want to run with, and if they can’t find anybody, they’ll prompt you

That’s how it works

Eg. Newsnight just now

If she could close that big gap between her teeth, she’d be a very fine looking woman

Unfortunately for her, the gap in the polls is widening

I got a wee bit of a jolt down below when I saw this photo

For all the talk of red walls, I suspect the real test will be in wealthy remain type constituencies. A bit like 2016 in the US when President Trump held all the supposedly repulsed country club types as well as picking up a few non-traditional types.

We should be okay up in Scotland. Bar Stirling, we should hold the other 12 and in with a shout of picking up a few more as a number of constituencies in Caledonia are on a knife edge.

I’d expect a comfortable enough working majority for the Conservative and Unionist Party.

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Earlier today you were speculating that Labour could go into another election in Spring with a new leader and win, which I took as your tacit acceptance that Corbyn has been a major reason for their abysmal showing this time round.
Rayner has said that she would vote for Brexit under the right circumstances in the coming months, I’m not sure how that would go down with party supporters who have been able to convince themselves a vote for Labour this time is a vote for remain.

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Corbyn and his band of Corbanistas need to be driven out of British politics. He is the biggest racist evil in Britain since Oswald Mosley (ironically enough also a Labour party member). Corbyn has associated with anti-Semities, Holocaust deniers and Islamist extremists for much of his political career, such as Paul Eisen, Raed Salah and Dyab Abou Jahjah.

Attempts to excuse Corbyn for his past associations and positions are disgusting, and most ordinary British people see through them.


Calm down, pet

I know you think he’s actually Hitler but that’s probably the drink and the oxycontin

I thought you loved anti-Semitism anyway

You’re certainly quiet enough about Trump going big on one of the most classic anti-Semitic stererotypes of all, that of dual loyalty, with his little executive order

Rayner won’t vote for a Tory Brexit

The right circumstances are a Labour Brexit deal

The election results haven’t been counted yet, but sure you apparently know different

Yes, yes, a deal that protects the economy and jobs though nobody knows how that could be achieved. What is certain is that no Labour leader is going to come back from Brussels and say the deal they have negotiated will cripple the economy and lead to huge job losses.

I’d wager a Labour Brexit deal would be quite a bit easier to achieve than the two Tory ones we’ve had so far

Labour aren’t constrained by red lines and fantasies of Britannia Unchained on the high seas so would likely negotiate something with very close alignment to the EU

Which would hopefully and almost certainly be defeated anyway, but sure we could live with that


Labour has all the best tunes

Fuck racism

Fuck Johnson

Fuck the Tories

No surprise that the site’s leading Corbynista is a racist.

Are you denying Jews are an ethnic minority now? You support Muslim rights to ethnic status and Irish travellers rights to ethnic status, but not Jews? How Jeremy like.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination in schools and universities on the basis of race, color or national origin. It does not cover religious discrimination, which was why this executive order has bipartisan support in Congress (except for congresswoman Omar of course who actually has accused Jewish Americans of dual loyalty).

The far left are a collective mess. All rhetoric that is offensive to Jews is anti-Semitic (except when expressed by the far left). Some of it is, while some of it is comedy or satire (I thought you were a fan of satire, or did you mean it when you said “kill the Jews”?), but open support for Islamist terrorists who actually murder Jews and desire to exterminate all Jews on the planet is not anti-Semitic.

If you were Jewish I wonder who you would be more worried by, someone who says Jews have too much money, or someone who plants a bomb under your car or fires rockets at your house daily?

Please fuck off, this thread was mildly ok today.