UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Tory dirty tricks, what a surprise

Is there any proof of that?

I bet if they were going to the student bar they wouldn’t forget their ID

I’ve read that Tories were also standing outside polling stations asking young people for ID today in an attempt to out them off

US tactics are creeping into UK poilitics and it’ll get much worse under the next Tory government

Feeling on the street is they’ve got their majority with something like 345 seats

Any proof mate? You’d be the first demanding it if it was the other way


The only reason Corbyn won’t get in is because he’s a decent man. The campaign against Corbyn by the British press is obscene.


Can’t decide whether to go with BBC or Sky coverage here. Sky might have more razamataz but BBC have a giant fucking map outside their studios, with the current seats filled in.

They’re gonna change the seats as the results come in.


319 Tory seats predicted

Lads what channel does a fella need to be tuning into here? I threw a Hail Mary fiver on Labour this morning so I want to know how long tonight it’ll last before it turns from a long shot to a no-hope

I’d say sid is at home with the pants around the ankles waiting on this

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10 seconds

You’ll know in about twenty seconds

Any link to watch BBC1 abroad? Asking for a friend.

Oh jaysus

Oh jaysus a hammering

This is box office in fairness


BBC says 368/191

An Evisceration

That’s a landslide

Red Rover