UK general election 2019 - corbinned

I used to live in Ruislip. It’s full of racists, he’ll be grand

226 seats wouldn’t be far off Michael Foot 1983 territory. That’s the sort of hiding that hapless spoofer Corbyn deserves.

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@ChairmanDan in full meltdown mode and the polling stations not yet closed


He’s losing it big time.

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He’s been in an awful jocker since the RWC

VHI music channel want people to get out and vote.

He has never been right since his lifelong hero was done for beating up women

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He hasn’t been this edgy since the night of the Champions League Final.

Brian ODriscoll beat up women???

Super avatar pal.

Its a really great fit

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Cheers mate. Thst cunt @Rocko won’t give me a green hat, he has me on ignore.


Hurrah! An utter, utter, cunt of a woman.


He stole a phone and he hid in a fridge

Me: “Ugh, satire is getting really weak. Oh, wait! No, it’s real. Boris hid in a fucking fridge.”

I mean, Jesus fucking Christ

If corbyn can’t beat a man who’s made an absolute show of himself, hid in a fridge and won’t admit how many children he has. Then he has to go

I’d expect the vote share to finish something like 44-39 to the Tories

The gap is the key

Labour got the gap down to 2.3% last time

I can’t see it being enough tonight

I think the Tories will hold a lot of seats by narrow majorities with Labour probably racking up massive votes in a lot of constituencies

Though I would love to be proved wrong, I don’t believe Johnson is in trouble

Any predictions for up North?

SDLP will definitely take South Belfast and I imagine Foyle too

DUP will retain East Belfast and gain North Down

I have a feeling Sinn Fein could be edged out in Fermanagh South Tyrone this time - I think there is a lack of enthusiasm for Sinn Fein at the moment and that could hurt them there

That leaves North Belfast - I don’t know, I’d say the DUP will hold by less than 1k

From The Economist

UK general election 2019

Our latest coverage of Britain’s contest


DEC 12TH 2019

Britons started casting their ballots from 7am on December 12th in the most consequential general election in a generation—or, in some accounts, since 1945. Many voters may have felt weary as they made their way to polling stations for the third general election in less than five years. But for politicians and the press, three factors explain the importance they place on this one.

The first is the place of Britain in the world, and the future of its own union, summed up in the endlessly repeated slogan of the prime minister, Boris Johnson, and his ruling Conservative Party: Get Brexit Done. The slogan appeals to many, fed up with the years of agonising deadlock over Britain’s departure from the European Union since the country voted to leave in June 2016. The Conservatives have apparently succeeded in seeing off most of the threat to their vote from Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. Mr Johnson boasts of his “oven-ready” deal to leave the EU on January 31st, to which all Conservative candidates have committed their support.

But in many ways the hard part of the Brexit process will begin only after January 31st, the latest deadline set by the EU to finalise the withdrawal deal. Mr Johnson’s plan to bulldoze through a permanent trade agreement with the EU by the end of the year seems hopelessly ambitious. That means the spectre of a chaotic no-deal Brexit still looms.

What is more, Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal is loosening the ties that bind the component parts of the United Kingdom. Scottish nationalists say that Brexit runs against the will of Scotland, which voted to remain in the EU, and have seized on it re-energise their demand for a second referendum on Scottish independence (they lost the last one in 2014). Unionists in Northern Ireland, meanwhile, are furious that, despite their parliamentary support for the Conservatives, Mr Johnson has struck a deal that will, in effect, place customs checks in the Irish Sea, so separating the province from the rest of the UK.

The main opposition Labour Party wants to renegotiate the EU withdrawal agreement, and then put it to another referendum. The Liberal Democrats will also back a second vote,realising their first plan, simply to revoke Britain’s notice of withdrawal,proved unpopular and is now unrealistic. So will the Scottish nationalists, expected to win a clear majority of Scottish seats.

The second factor is that Mr Johnson has not been able to make the election simply about Brexit. Labour, under its left-wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has proposed the most radical economic agenda in decades, including the renationalisation of public utilities and a huge increase in spending on public services, especially the creaking National Health Service.

Third is the unpredictability of the outcome. This is partly because so many other issues will sway voters, from climate change and crime to both main leaders’ unpopularity. Mr Johnson is seen as untrustworthy and Mr Corbyn as having failed to get to grips with anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.

But also Brexit has blurred the old dividing lines in British politics, interfering with tribal allegiances that have endured for generations. That is likely to lead to a surge in tactical voting among those opposed to Brexit, for whom this election may represent the last chance to overturn the referendum outcome.

Opinion polls are united in giving the Conservatives a plurality of the popular vote. But a small difference in the lead over other parties can make a huge difference. It could mean, at one end, a Conservative landslide with a swift, hard Brexit and, presumably, shake-ups in the opposition parties. Or it could entail, at the other end, another hung parliament, with a delay or end to Brexit and probably a Jeremy Corbyn prime ministership.

The portentous prognostications are right. This is an election that could shape Britain’s future for decades.

Any Labour leader will have a problem in those semi-rural northern constituencies

It’s Brexit, stupid

Angela Rayner would stand a chance of winning them back if she is leader purely because she’s a northern working class woman of what is seen to be old northern Labour stock

Starmer, Thornberry or any Blairite would tank as leader in Bassetlaw and Ashfield and Bishop Auckland etc.