UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Yeah the PP handicap is 195.5

We’ll see. I think most English folk are decent and that there will be an equalisation. The realities will hit home. The English will be fucked by Brexit. And hopefully they will vote accordingly next time. People mostly crave peace and stability to lead their lives. Boris’ happy fella schtick will wear thin the more shit he heaps on the populace.

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No value in that @5/6 I want a bit more juice in the 200+ market

It’s a terrific result for Prime Minister Johnson. It’s been fashionable and hipster edgy to slate him but it’s been a very impressive first four months at the helm and the way he’s moved the dial in his favour. There are lessons here for others.


Don’t answer any question ever

He hides in fridges

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With a majority of 70 he can afford to stretch it out.

The sun will rise tomorrow, and it’ll set very fucking early on the empire.

They’ll have England and a rock in the Mediterranean soon.


Big deal. Some shill will resign his seat and Boris will win the by election.

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Layla is kind of cute in fairness.

Ah yeah. That’s obvious. It would just be a bit of craic though

The handicap was Corbyn


The worst Labour performance in an election since 1935

I’d say if they got a chance they’d vote for that at this stage

The loony left can stop clutching those straws now. Ye’re little hands must be sore.

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No proof so Sid? Will I write that off as the obvious lie that it was then? Or fake news as you might call it?

A few thousand students would have made all the difference. They’ll know better the next time.

If they existed they might have had a chance

Full moon over big ben

What price is Michael Gove to be PM ?