UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Has @Halfpipe told us how sterling is looking yet? Because thats the important thing

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No I have no proof that Tories were behind the denial of votes to students

I have strong suspicions, especially given there was quite a bit of talk in the media about how Tories were going to clamp down on voter regarding ID - they were trying to confront young people for ID outside polling stations

It constantly amuses me how people use this technique when debating

If this forum had existed in 1942 there would have been people demanding evidence from people claiming that the Holocaust was taking place

You’d probably have been one of them - @anon7035031 certainly would - he’d have been denying it outright

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Said it here earlier in the week. There was no way that your possible floating but Tory minded voter was going to vote for Corbyn just because they wanted to stay in the EU.

So you’ve no proof. You are always decrying the right wingers who post fake news with no evidence but you are happy to do the same.
Fair enough

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Sure you predicted the election would be close

You were wrong

He called you a holocaust denier for pointing it, for your troubles like.

You are rattled to within an inch of your life mate.

For once in your life try and accept the obvious. Hillary was a shit candidate and lost to a buffoon. Corbyn was a shit choice of leader and lost to a buffoon.

This stuff is rather easy.


He’s also the greatest peddler of conspiracy theories on the site.

Godwins law again.

I’d love to run semantic analysis over your posts and see what percentage of them contain references to Nazis, Hitler and the war

No, I have strong and well founded suspicions, which is the very essence of quality public debate

As I said, you’d have been calling the Holocaust “fake news”

So there’s no comparison - it’s very embarrassing for you that you can’t see the difference and not a very good reflection on your level of intelligence

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I underestimated the British electorate’s thirst for democracy.

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Brexit Party cost the Tories a seat there in Houghton.

You’re comparing imaginary students being turned away from a vote to the holocaust.

By Jesus.

Well done on your Tory victory toonight mate

A victory for racism is a defeat for humanity though

Unfortunately for the world, I think we need to make this a sticky @Rocko. Not just on tfk though. Can you make it flash up anytime someone googles something?

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You think I am

But that’s because your comprehension skills are not very good, a novice mistake

More fake news / lies

I would have voted LD if I had a vote mate and would vote Labour if they had a sensible leader and platform.

Your racist hero Corbyn lost Labour an election they should have won, deal with it.

You’ve consistently engaged in racist rhetoric here mate

You are a despicable racist and a Jew hater

You are using the holocaust as a tool in a comparison against the story you peddled about a few students being turned away.

Shock and awe Sid. Shock and awe.

Two things.

‘I’m not making excuses… but the referee needs to loooook ah himself…’
@I’m knot a raaayhcist Joe, buh, de’re comin over heya…’