Universally loved Irish People

You said it was common enough, is it a secret?

It’s common enough in terms of him looking for money.

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5 grand? Is it your own Club he asked for 5 grand off of?

Liam Ó Maonlaí

No but another small club.

Didn’t intend my inquiry to turn into an interrogation pal :rofl: A cuntish thing to do, for a man of his means, and “standing”. Name of club an irrelevance

I heard the other end of the spectrum about him with a club. I wondered why he’d try ram a different club. Maybe they were a shower of cunts


He always seems like an utter creep for some reason

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I thought you meant this guy!


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Mike Murphy

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Great shout. I knew him personally. An absolute gent

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I went to his new show the other night. Mindblowing

Simon Zebo

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“it was my kids”

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His kids are under 7 I’d say but they keep up to date with current affairs and are fairly consistent with their thoughts.


True point.

Some years ago, he was invited to do a standard presentation for a Wexford club with which someone I knew well was involved. They had a nice few quid to give him in an envelope – 300, if memory serves – and had arranged for him to stay in a hotel, if needed, where dinner was also available.

My friend approached late in the proceedings, mentioned the possibility of hotel and dinner. “Ah, no no, thanks,” came the reply. “I’ll head off back home. Look it, two grand will cover everything.”

Worse thing? They gave him, after a bit of discussion, that sum.


Notorious as a prickly egomanical gobshite when he was teaching in UCG.

I still voted for him. Imagine having an utter moron like Seán Gallagher as President…


Can we all agree that a universally loved Irish person doesn’t exist due to our begrudgery, and a thread around Universally despised Irish people would be in with a better chance of achieving overall agreement at some point in this century.

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