University Challenge

The final. A classic. Go to youtube

Will do

This is the final time I log into this thread until I have finished viewing it

Hopefelly the lovely Marceline Bresson and Teddy Hall did the business

Naked climate change protester!!! :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts: What a honey!

Smashing final alright. The title goes to Scotland.

I thought Bresson had won it with the penultimate starter for ten on feminism but Wayne Rooney actually won it for Edinburgh - the number (54) of the Roman numeral which corresponded with the first three letters of the city of Rooney’s birth was one of the easiest questions of the night.

Campbell Hewson nailed it for Edinburgh. It was a case of Bo No for Teddy Hall.

I think Freddy Leo really fancies Bresson, which is understandable - a good looking women in a University Challenge final would be quite the catch - but she doesn’t like him at all and doesn’t like his patronising taps on the shoulder, which are an obvious attempt at a come on. I loved seeing her bopping away to New Order’s Blue Monday and AC/DC’s Back In Black with a wonderful smile on her face during the music/colours of flags round when Edinburgh were in. She does an effortless line in switching between resting bitch face and wide eyed warm smile. All in all, she’s an object lesson as to why Brexit is shit.

Winning captain Matt Fitz-James (the sort of name you only get on University Challenge and among Team England at Dublin University - he’s French though) is a dead ringer for Lee Keegan.

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OMFG. Bresson’s “likes” on her Facebook page include “Oxford Marxists”, “The Isis”, “Liverpool FC” and “Oasis” (the band of that name).

I’m hotfooting it over to Oxford.

We’re one minute away from the opening edition of the 2019/2020 series.

The winter starts here.


Very sexist comment about a female intellectual.


That was the worst ever episode tonight. 110-40

One of the juniors and me reckon we answered enough to have won it.

The losers were captained by a hapless kilkenny man, he was not named cody or walsh or Langton or Purcell however, his name was Griffiths.

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Spike was a rare bright light for the awful Cambridge team

Yerra tis asy from the cheap seats.
I nipped in for a haircut yesterday (ÂŁ9.50), and the barber expounded at length about this very phenomenon regarding a radio phone in quiz, whilst I sat there preying for silence. Fortunately it only took ten minutes

There’s a certain standard expected in university challenge mate

I just have one pretty simple question. Has the Manchester captain cloned himself and put his cloned self in disguise on his own team?

The “Tara mine near Navan” variously guessed by Jesus - Oxford and Manchester to be in Ukraine and Poland


Ffs if the average British university student ( or even the weirdos that participate in this ) knows the geography of fucking Meath you really have to wonder .

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Oh no you weren’t


A proud moment


Incidentally, Chris is an alright sort and has appeared here previously.