Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Hopefully it was the Kiko Martinez fight where you parted with 100 sheets for 2 minutes of action

Paying to watch boxing :upside_down_face: Are you kidding me? Was at it alright though. The other one was on a big day where we were at some other event and came there afterwards. Thatā€™s how memorable it was.

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Dunne v Cordoba the day Ireland won the rugby grand slam. Possibly the greatest sporting event I was ever at. EPIC

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It was an incredible fight

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Unreal. The whole crowd was buckled too after being out for the rugby. Iā€™d say the Taylor fight will be a great occasion in the 3 arena.

Yeah, we were as full as a bingo bus arriving at the Point. The buzz was incredible, memory of the details of the fight (live) are scarce but Iā€™ve seen it back since. There was a detective in our gang and he was subtly letting us know which groups of crims were which scattered around the foyer of the place before.

They donā€™t exist btw

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Never heard of it before

Thatā€™s nonsense in fairness.

Maybe, if there was a cock fight as the main event

Between the obvious corruption at the boxing event in 2016 and Katies personal issues within her family at the time. Id agree thats nonsense. At the time i felt she was hard done my in that decision. Havent watched it since.

I find it uncomfortable watching women fighting

Podcasts are a load of old bollix.

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Iā€™ve never listened to one.

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How? Youā€™re grouping every topic and genre under one umbrella.

Sure tis like turning on the car radio and listening to a talk show

I find them great to fall asleep to.


Thatā€™s an opinion for the roaster thread surely.
Thatā€™s like saying ā€˜television/books/radio programmes/the internet are a load of old bollixā€™.

No its not. Roasters use the internet for Donedeal and where Jimmy Buckley is playing next


Must be anathema to fellows of a certain vintage. However I vaguely remember @balbec mentioning one so heā€™s probably just in the ā€˜keeping youngā€™ fad.

Too late for that