Unpopular opinions or views you hold


If the Liverpool defenders had a quarter of your intransigence and doggedness theyā€™d be further up the table. Your dog is pissing at the wrong lamppost here.


This is a Valerie Wheeler forum. Fall in!

Tiger Woods is a narcissistic oddball, doesnā€™t seem a nice person at all, and I cannot understand the fawning and adulation he gets.


I know a few people who do. **
I think evanne looks lovely in that photo anyway. Better than most others.



Michael Verney isnā€™t the insufferable cunt I used to think he was.

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Heā€™s not too bad. Itā€™s just the Stapleton comes with him and is a dose.


You mug

Terry Proneā€™s son Anton Savage seems like a grand fella.

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Jesus you may as well tell us you had a few pints with John Bruton


Goes to show how important PR is though.

Pancakes are woeful grub and people who put posts about pancakes on social media or mention how many pancakes they eat are apes.

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Might be a generational thing but for anyone growing up in the 80s/early 90s Pancake Tuesday was always something to look forward to. A rare treat.

Bating lumps off eachother to get the first one off the pan. By the time your turn came back around youā€™d be starving again. Sprinkle of sugar on top, maybe a bit of butter :yum: The pyrex jug getting lower and lower with batter, youā€™d be thick for a week if it emptied before your turn.

Canā€™t speak much to the social media posting alright.


Cc @myboyblue

Sorry mate, I dont follow?

Iā€™d have no interest in them as an adult, but as a kid, they were a huge deal. For us, we got a bar of chocolate (a Marathon/Snickers for me and a Bounty for my sister) after mass on Sundays that we were allowed to eat Sunday afternoons and wouldnā€™t really have anything else sweet during the week. So, this random Tuesday during lent when you could have something exotic seemed a big deal.



I havenā€™t had a proper pancake in 20 years but Iā€™ll never forget them.

Sorry, meant to say just before lent!

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I donā€™t particularly care for pancakes and didnā€™t really like them as a child. They were a novelty alright, a bit like turkey at Christmas, but both are so common foodstuffs nowadays that any sense of occasion is somewhat diminished.

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