Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Britain is one of the least racist countries in Europe, possibly the least racist.

Is that because its full to the neck of foreigners?

How do you explain overtly racist politicians and policies in that case?

Mostly Rupert Murdoch and the “libertarian” idea that the worth of an opinion can only be measured by the amount of engagement it generates.

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Richard Boyd Barrett is a hero and deserves friend of the forum status and reelection for life based on his dogged pursuit of justice from the FAI for the ballybrack seagulls.

I remember a BBC news report on immigration from about ten years ago that always stayed with me. The government had stated it’s aim to reduce immigration, the report went through the categories of immigrants, the third category was university students. While they talked about this category they showed footage from college canteens which zoomed in on all the black and brown people.

Anyway I completely disagree with you, Britain is racist enough to for it’s politics to include overt racism on a regular basis and which finds a lot of support.

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Every country in Europe is racist to a greater or lesser degree, this one included.

Overt racism will find a market anywhere if it has a vulture media which is minded to push it. Including here. Our market isn’t big enough to have Murdoch bothering us to a major extent.

Paul Mason said that in any country, at least 10% of the people have fascist proclivities. I’d wager it’s a lot more than that.

For all its faults, Britain is a much less threatening place in general to ethnic minorities than most other European countries.

I’d much rather be a person of an ethnic minority in Britain than in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium or any eastern European country, and increasingly Sweden. And to be honest, Ireland.

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Much of that post is true but I still don’t agree with your initial proposition.

Ok. That’s one metric. They’ve also introduced provisions to shop asylum seekers off to Rwanda.

They have indeed, but then again I never said Britain was free of racism or didn’t have a racist government. Most governments throughout Europe are racist to a greater or lesser extent in their immigration policies.

To be honest, given the damage Murdoch and all the other disinformation goons have done to American society, it’s a credit to Britain that it still remains a by and large liberal and welcoming society given it has come under the same sort of information warfare as America has done.

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On cue, here’s another example of racism on behalf of the UK state.

Barry Keoghan is a bang average actor.

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The 2 most important governmental figures in deciding your children’s experience in growing up in Ireland don’t have kids. Not even imaginary kids.

That’s not great.


Leo and Roderick? We have an amount of non-traditional people in government for a supposedly uber-catholic patriarchal society

I reckon they were kids themselves once though and may have advisors who have kids. Maybe you’d prefer a jacinta type

The Minister for Defence was never in the army. Not even the FCA.


Then you’ve the Minister for Education who is a teacher but you wouldn’t let her in charge of a jar of air never mind a classroom of children.

More GP’s or HSE Consultants should be considered for the role of Minister for Health

Harris is a complete piss taker. No college education. Minister for Health when it looks like a gust of wind would give him rickets and the consumption. Minister for Justice when you wouldn’t have him oversee whether the sky is blue. And now to top it all off he’s over Further Education. Make it make sense.